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bsod driver IRQL not less or equal

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Hi everyone,

I am new to bitcomet, I have been using it for about a week. A bout 3 days ago I started getting the bsod. I have tried replacing all my drivers as suggested and I have never had this problem on any other programs. I built this machine about 5 years ago and it has never had one problem. I know bitcomet is a bit of a different program but does anyone have any suggestions on a fix?

specs: asus m2n-sli M/B amd athon 64 x2 6000+ chip


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Take notice of the details of the driver it's (hopefully) complaining about - pathnames, addresses, values. If that stays the same, it probably is a driver issue, so you'll need to hunt down the driver in question and replace it. This can mean doing a downgrade sometimes. If the information changes each time, then it's probably not a driver issue at heart.

I'm assuming this happens with reasonable frequency. Try uninstalling BitComet and running for a while to see if running bittorrent has anything to do with it.

Bittorrent stresses a system in unusual ways which point out problems that other applications may not be affected by. Bittorrent didn't create the problem, it's just a victim of it. To this end, try installing another client for a while, and see if the problems reappear.

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HI everyone,

Here is an update so far with the bsod. I read in here to update your drivers and I did,still got the bsod but then I read that sometimes if you uninstall the nam (network access manager) from nvidia /control panel/add&remove programs, then that should do it, and it worked. It's been running all day and night with no problems. Hope this helps someone else as well.

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