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BitComet Tech Support
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Lucy26 last won the day on May 17 2020

Lucy26 had the most liked content!


About Lucy26

  • Birthday August 26

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  1. Dear lucy,

    My Name is Rizam and i use bitcomet since  2013-10-20 and last week i had update my software to new 1.44 , after that my rank is lost, so i double check with cometid.com but in the web site it was correct rank . In software im a recruit and in website  Second Lieutenant  and the current score is 2351.

    can you please feel free to let me know the how can solve this issue.

    1. The UnUsual Suspect

      The UnUsual Suspect

      Arizam, Lucy no longer works for the development team and if you hover over her name you'll notice she hasn't logged in since 2014. The proper way to seek help is to post in the forum, not comment on someone's profile.

    2. arizam


      ok, thank you ?

  2. Dear Lucy26, my name is Gabriel Fodor, known as the GabbyFodor user. I wasn't able to contact you earlier. I use BitComet since 2009 and I need your help. I couldn't send you an email, it said that I'm not allowed to send email from that board...

  3. i want be come vip. how?

  4. Hi veronica, please read READ THIS before posting! to provide information about your situation, so that we can have some idea about what's going on.
  5. Hi superjorex, you will need 80,000 points to activate the free trial.:)
  6. Hi NWSJR6676, CometMarks is experiencing some problems currently, the development team is repairing it now, you will be able to use it once the problems are fixed. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
  7. Thank you Toby3, these information are helpful to us, they will be forwarded to the development team. :)
  8. Thank you for the update, aswath_suku. What OS did you use before installing Win7? Which version of BitComet were you using when the error occurred? :)
  9. Hi scywong, welcome to the forum. You will need to search for resource online, then download them with BitComet, please read the wiki for help. :)
  10. Hi srinivasmv419, are you trying to downloading something from this website? Because when I tried to open it, a window popped up asking me to download something like an application, this situation happened to both CometBird and IE. What did you expect to see when opening this webpage?
  11. Lucy26


    Hi haseo_shoujo, thank you for your suggestion. A 10G plan will expire in 30 days, however the length of 100G plan has been extended to 60 days.
  12. Hi MM, please PM me with your username, I'll check the database for you. However, the stats of an account cannot be transferred to another one, I can only help you retrieve your old account.
  13. Hi fredman, it takes a while for the comments to load, please give it some time and check the comments later.
  14. Hi, I downloaded new update and

    can not get my online bookmarks.

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