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To block spammers, this forum has suspended new user registration


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cassie last won the day on February 11

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About cassie

  • Birthday July 9

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    En tu sillón favorito... - In your favourite armchair...

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  1. Since this thread is over 12 years old, and has been sufficiently replied to, I feel that it's high time that it be closed. *Thread closed*
  2. Like the previous Admin said, in the above post, we cannot do this... Just stop using the account. Thank you.
  3. Hello and welcome aboard, Simon!
  4. OMG!!! Someone that is actually thanking the BitComet Developing team and Staff and not, complaining, cursing and cussing about something! How refreshing!!! I believe that I can safely speak for everyone involved when we thank you for being so nice and truly appreciate your gratitude and your continued use and support towards such a great client. Thank you!!!🙂
  5. Salut. J'ai bien peur que personne ne parle français en ce moment, mais si vous le souhaitez, nous pouvons essayer de vous aider sur le forum français avec l'aide de Google Translator. (Mon français est très rouillé par désuétude.) hello. I'm afraid no one speaks French right now, but if you want, we can try to help you on the French forum with the help of Google Translator. (My French is very rusty from disuse.) *topic moved*
  6. ¿Puedes agregar una captura de pantalla para que podamos ver lo mismo que tu ves en tu ordenador, por favor? (En inglés o en español) Could you add a screenshot do that we can see the same as you see on your computer, please?
  7. Hello (from here and there) and welcome!
  8. Darn! I just realised that I've necro-replied...a year later! LOL!
  9. Also note that the second-last task shows that there are no Seeds nor Peers for that torrent. Unless someone that has all of the parts/pieces (Seed) connects, you'll have a hard time seeing the download complete.
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