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To block spammers, this forum has suspended new user registration ×
Comet Forums
To block spammers, this forum has suspended new user registration

Login with CometID

Dear members,

The new account system, CometID has been integrated with the forum, please read the following instruction carefully if you have difficulties/inquires regard to this new account system.

1. If you have not registered in this forum before:

a. You can login with your CometID account, which was also known as Comet Passport.

b. You can login with your social network account, namely Google, Yahoo, Facebook, and Twitter accounts.

c. Or you can register for a CometID account now from http://www.cometid.c...ssport/register

2. If you have registered in this forum before and you would like to login with that account:

a. If the email you used to register for the forum account is the same as the one you used to register CometID, you can just insert the email instead username to login.

b. If the email you used to register for the forum account is the same as the one you used to register your Google/Yahoo/Facebook/Twitter account, you can insert the email instead username to login.

c. If the email you used to register for the forum account is different from the accounts mentioned above, or you don't hold any of these accounts; please go to http://www.cometid.c...ssport/register to register for a CometID account with the email you used during the registration of your forum account.

3. If you have registered in this forum before and you would not like to login with that account:

a. Please login with CometID or social network which was registered with a different email from your forum account.

Any comments, questions, and feedback are welcomed, please post them in THIS POST.

If you have any problem with your account, please visit our account system site.


The BitComet Team

Notice: The Comet ID system requires servers to operate in order for it to be able to register the user points and help you download more efficiently. From time to time these servers may need to be maintained to keep them running properly so you may be unable to login with BitComet. This is nothing to be concerned about and there is no need to post in the forum about it.
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