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Poor performance on fledgling swarms


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I don't use bitcomet, I have a client that provides a table of pieces of the torrent and how many people have each piece.

I recently started a torrent, and quickly got many peers, most of them downloading files that none of the other clients had already. I've noticed bitcomet doesn't prioritize rare files, rather it hordes what ever it can get its hands on. When i'm trying to seed a new torrent, a BC client connects to me and downloads a piece that 30 other peers had already instead of the ones nobody has yet. I noticed this over and over again with BC and shareaza clients wasting seed bandwidth. In order to get my torrent up and running quickly i was forced to apply a plugin that automaticly banned all BC and shareaza clients. Not that I mean the people running them any grief, but the whole swarm will run faster with clients getting rare pieces first.

I can imagine many people starting torrents don't realize the redundancy BC causes and this could be slowing the start of many torrents.

Best regards,


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I only mentioned shareaza because I figured I would list both clients I was having a problem with. All other clients download the rarest pieces. If Bit Comet is a "proper" client why doesn't it behave like the others?

Using superseed would sound logical to correct the problem, but at this time I am unable to find a client that effectivly uses the mode. I started this torrent with two seeds, one running bit torando on a 140kB/s trans rate, and one on azureus at 50kB/s. Azureus seems to have removed superseeding mode from the client do to problems. Azureus Super Seeding When I applied superseeding mode to Bit Tornado it cut my upload slots to 3 drasticly reducing the uploadspeed to about 40 from 140, without the option to configure it.

If anyone knows a client with effective superseeding let me know.

If all clients would prioritize the rare pieces there would be no need for superseed.

I find, my temporary solution of banning offending clients will not make the banned clients download any slower, but will actualy increase the speed of everyone, including them, as more pieces become available the banned clients can download them from other peers.

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BitTornado invented super-seed. Then newest beta 3.15 has been known to have some problems because it tightened up the super seed mode. 3.14 worked like a charm but some versions of BitComet would/could exploit it and cut in line.

You can try the current 1.6 version of µTorrent. They say super-seed has been worked on and it better. But your best bet is still BitTornado. Even the biggest µT fanboys will tell you that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

:) I think you've got a wrong place to ask this question. Your purpose is to know a client with effective superseeding,so you can post it here"Torrent Questions". Your "superseed" is a usefull idea. We will consider it. Thank you all the same.

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Myself and many others I know would prefer that Bitcomet not add Super seed (now refered to as Initial Seed by most). Too many newbies use it because the name sounds cool and mess things up for the swarm. And a lot of new users use BitComet and I think you see where this is going.

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