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How to share?!


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I know that the more you share, the more/fast you download

but my question is

how to share

i mean, it's not like other sharing programs(eDonkey,...etc)

how can i point to the files that i want to share, to tell the program i want to share this folder, ..etc

any help would be great

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Any files under your BitComet directory can be downloaded by other peers, the only way to stop uploading certain files is to remove those files from your directory. However you can change your upload rate via:

Preferences > Connection > Global Max Upload Rate:

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  • 1 year later...
  Dark_Shroud said:
You only share files if you have a .torrent loaded and seeding/leeching those files. It doesn't matter where you have them saved at as long as the .torrent file points to them.

I think the OP is more of a newbie and so your response is not very useful. You might provide a link that explains how to be a better community member in this sense. :)

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