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BitSpirit = BitComet?

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Hallo there! :)

Well, I just found this client "BitSpirit" and I liked the interface. But then someone told me that BitSpirit is actually a ripoff of BitComet. So is that true?



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There is some confusion here, alas. It is BitLORD that is the old BitComet ripoff. BitSpirit is something else entirely.

Which is not to say that it's a good entirely. The documentation is nearly as bad as the support, which is nonexistent. The programmer needs to put down his compiler for a couple of months and concentrate on nothing else except explaining, documenting, and supporting his incomprehensible product. If you like it, good luck with it, but you'll have a very hard time finding any help with it.

It also does not, as far as I have been able to figure out, support encryption, DHT or PEX, which means it is lagging badly behind. It might, of course, support all three, but since it's undocumented....

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BitLord is BitComet 0.58. BitSpirit is also using BitComet's core. And thats why those clinets have problems, besides the spyware.

Is it now? I'd seen that allegation, but nothing more than the assertion. On Wikipedia, IIRC. Is there anything more definite than that? It's really making me wonder about all these apparent copies of the BC source floating around.

I see Bitspirit's been a little improved since last I looked, (though I still wonder what a "torrent market" might be when it's at home), but it's their forum that amuses most. Some poor guy asking for help with the same question, week after week, and being completely ignored.

I recalled that the site used to say who wrote it, or claimed to anyway, but no longer. It says it now supports mainline-style DHT, but still no encryption. Is there somewhere with solid info on this thing? And does anyone know for sure how it identifies itself to peers?

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Is it now? I'd seen that allegation, but nothing more than the assertion. On Wikipedia, IIRC. Is there anything more definite than that? It's really making me wonder about all these apparent copies of the BC source floating around.

I see Bitspirit's been a little improved since last I looked, (though I still wonder what a "torrent market" might be when it's at home), but it's their forum that amuses most. Some poor guy asking for help with the same question, week after week, and being completely ignored.

I recalled that the site used to say who wrote it, or claimed to anyway, but no longer. It says it now supports mainline-style DHT, but still no encryption. Is there somewhere with solid info on this thing? And does anyone know for sure how it identifies itself to peers?

It's in the FAQ at www.p2pforums.com. That's how I found out about it back when those clients first came out.

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