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Rubbish Data

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Hi everyone,

i'm a frecuently user of bit comet and some days ago i´ve started to have a problem with the information that i download.

I'm download a game and a anime series, in both case's the program use all the Broad Band, i thoug that is fantastic, but is weird that the progress is stop. I went to the summary information and it says that the proram have dowload 2 GB but 1.8 GB are rubbish data dropped.


I tough that was a program problem so i Unistalled it and Installed again, but everything is same. Even i thoug that is a problem of the torrents, but one of them i have used it for a long time.

What can i do? is a PC problem ? a port problem? a program problem? wath is that, because i don´t care if the program sometimes is slow, but it is using all the broad band that i give it but in real terms is not downloading nothing,

What can i do?? Help Plz,

Thanks a lot

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