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To block spammers, this forum has suspended new user registration

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Hi all

I've been struggling along with the world's worst wi-fi connection for the last three months but *finally* got my new landline fixed yesterday. So, I at last got chance to download (in less than 2 or 3 days :)) the latest BC (1.14, I think). I've been using BC for about three years now, so I'm fairly familiar with things.

But once I did the install, I find that I am now limited to 10 tasks. Previously it appeared to be unlimited, but everything over 10 now gets 'queued'. Anyone got any free clues please?




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The settings/preferences/whatever has an option for the maximum number of simultaneous download tasks. Any task you add above that settomg, is queued.

Many thanks, got it. Why the h*** it changed, I don't know. I looked for all the things I *could* have changed. I enlarged various availabity settings to give more access to what I had.

I may even have spotted a bug - confirmation would be appreciated. If I hovered over the stay-put icon at the top of the screen it *used* to give me a pop-up with what was going on and *stay there*. Now it *flashes* what's going on for a few milliseconds, before it vanishes, and is unreadable.

Thanks again


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