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Automation server can't create object


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Usually I access the site http://www.rslinks.org/ and download some files using Bitcomet clicking the file link with right buttom from the mouse and selection "download with bitcomet" and was working fine. I was running IE7 up to date with patches and service packs. The Bitcomet is 1.14. When I upgrade IE from 7 to 8 I am unable to download using the "download with bitcomet" option. I receive a prompt from IE with the following messages:

Internet Explorer Script Error

An error has occurred in the script on this page.

Line: 8

Char: 2

Error: Automation server can't create object

Code: 0

URL: res://C:\Program Files (x86)\Bitcomet\BitComet.exe/AddLink.htm

Do you want to continue running scripts on this page? (YES/NO)

Even I choose YES it does not start Bitcomet and create a download entry in BitComet.

I reinstall IE7 but it still in this situation. PLEASE HELP!!!!! :angry:

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Have you tried that with firefox? Or have you tried downloading from other sites? Try using the "Save target as..." option. Also try to 'drag and drop' the link into BitComet's Floating Window.

I don't use IE but I have IE 8 from Windows Update. I have tested some links from that site and no such error occurs but it downloads a web page with the wrong file extension (.rar instead of .htm in my case) because those are not direct download links...or perhaps they only work if you have a premium account. Maybe it's a problem with your cookies, delete them(Ctrl+Shift+Delete, uncheck the "Preserve Favorite Website Data", click ok) and try signing in again if you have a premium account.


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You should probably try downgrading BitComet to the last version that successfully worked for you, to see if that resolves your problem.

If it does, stay with that version and test each new release of BitComet as it comes out, to see if the problem's been fixed. In the meantime, be prepared to retreat to that known working version.

If the previous version works, try reinstalling the IE8 upgrade and see if that works now.

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