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Upload in Floating Window

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I looked around to see if anyone else had this issue, but didn't find anything. Sorry if it has already been addressed. When BitComet is running and everything is stopped- nothing uploading/downloading- the floating window shows that there is in fact something uploading and the upload speed varies. What is going on? I definitely don't like the idea of things uploading outside of my control. Does anyone know what's happening here? Thanx

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The most likely cause is that you have DHT enabled, and it's pretty constantly updating itself. and serving requests.

DHT is a distributed database, and when you join that network, you yourself become another node of the database, responsible for keeping a tiny portion of the data and serving upon request. You're also responsible for pointing inquiries to the next node above/below you in the chain of linked nodes to keep the system working, and for updating the portion of the data you're now keeping.

All of this takes minor but definite network traffic to maintain, and it goes on whether you're actively transferring or not.

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As kluelos said DHT can definitely add some minor overhead traffic. But if your upload speeds show more tha a few KBps you might wanna check the statistics window of Bitcomet. If you have LT seeding activated you'll see in this window that all your upload traffic matches speed almost all the time with LT seeding upload speed.

If you have LT seeding activated (it is, by default) this is perfectly normal (you are merely seeding for other Bitcomet users who can't find active seeds to finish the download of the torrents in your task list) even if your tasks are stopped.

Edited by greywizard (see edit history)
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