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deci folosesc bitcomet 0.98

conexiunea mea la internet este ADSL

viteza este: http://www.speedtest...t/541337487.png

si seara este de 3-4 mb/s

am modem Huawei Echolite HG510(am sunat la ai si mi-au deschis porturile)

si windowsul este: http://img44.imagesh...2/asdasddas.png

folosesc antivirusul avast 4.8 home edition

problema: inainte imi aparea un port blocat dar lam deschis apoi imi scrie WAN******* cu verde

acum imi apare ip meu acolo cu galben si e blocat. am ip dinamic si daca scot cablul de la internet imi da alt ip.

de cand am resetat windowsul si am instalat bitcomet imi apare asta...ca sa nu mai zic ca nu am viteza...cel mult 80kb/s si inainte ajungeam la 1.2 mb/s

va rog sa postati daca stiti ce problema am..ma puteti gasi la id de IM yo_devilboost


I am using Bitcomet v0.98

My connection type is ADSL

The tested speed of my connection is:


and 3-4mb/s at night.

My modem is a Huawei Echolite HG510 (I have called my isp and they unlocked my ports)

My windows version is:


My antivirus software is avast 4.8 home edition

The problem:

Some time ago I had yellow light but I have opened my port and the green light appeared.

But now, after reinstalling windows, it shows as blocked (yellow light). My IP is dynamic, it changes every time I unplug my ethernet cable.

My speed has dropped a lot after this happened, I used to get speeds up to 1.2mB/s but now I get only 80kB/s max.

Please post here if you know what problem I might have. You can also reach me at yo_devilboost@yahoo.com.

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In primul rand trebuie sa-ti faci ip-ul static, cand atribui un port adresei tale IP acesta e deschis pe moment dar daca dai restart la pc IP-ul se schimba si portul se inchide.

pentru a seta un IP static urmeaza acesti pasi:

1) Intra in meniul start, dai click pe "Run" ;


2) Scrie "cmd" in casuta (fara ghilimele) apoi dai click pe "OK";

3) Va apare o fereastra de command prompt unde scrii "ipconfig /all" fara ghilimele;


4) Copiaza undeva ce scrie la IP address, Subnet mask, Default Gateway si DNS Servers;


5) Partea cu DNS servers e putin mai complicata. Daca adresele Ip de la Default Gateway si DNS Servers coincid atunci e nevoie sa intri in modem , la Device info si sa le copii de acolo;

6) Scrie exit apoi apasa enter in fereastra de command prompt pentru a o inchide;

7) Intra din nou in meniul start, apoi Control panel, Network Connections.


8) E posibil sa ai mai multe conexiuni listate, dai click dreapta pe aceea pe care o folosesti si alege proprieties.


9) Apasa pe butonul "Proprieties" din noua fereastra.


10)Alege "Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)" apoi dai click pe "Proprieties"


11) In aceasta fereastra alegi "Use the following IP address:" si scrii ce ai gasit in fereastra de command promt. Iar la DNS scrii ce ai gasit la device info in pagina modemului. click ok.


12) Deschide un browser si verifica conexiunea, daca nu te poti conecta revino la setarile implicite si suna la ISP-ul tau pentru a afla serverele DNS.

Odata ce ai terminat cu succes poti sa i-ti deschizi din nou porturile in router cu increderea ca nu se vor mai inchide la loc.



First of all you need to set up a static ip or your ports may not stay forwarded after you reboot or when it expires.

you'll find instructions for setting this here

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Just to add, it's not very wise (for privacy reasons) to post your e-mail address on a public forum. ;)

Ca fapt divers, nu e prea bine (pentru confidentialitatea dvs.) sa va aratati adresa de e-mail pe un forum public.

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bun..deci am rezolvato....acum cum rezilv asta: http://img89.imagesh...37/66127641.png

cineva mia zis sa imi pun Flash Player..degeaba

am schimbat si versiunea de bitcomet....degeaba

scuze k va tot bat la cap cu problemele mele dar asta le apare mai multor prieteni de ai mei de cateva saptamani.

OK, the problem is solved, now about some other problem:


Somebody told me to get Flash Player, it did not work;

I have switched to another version, futile.

I am sorry for bothering you with my problems, but many of my friends are encountering this problem for a few weeks now.

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Nu ne deranjezi cu nimic.

Eu nu am mai intalnit problema asta..

Ce versiune de Internet Explorer ai?

Astept sa vad ce au de zis ceilalti din echipa. Sunt sigur ca-ti vor raspunde in scurt timp.


You are not bothering us.

I haven't encountered this problem so far..

What version of Internet Explorer do you use?

I'm looking forward to see what the other staff members have to say about this. I'm sure they will reply shortly.

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What you're seeing (or not seeing, in this case) in that small sub-window in the lower left corner, is a promotion for BitComet. You're not really missing anything except the chance to buy a T-shirt.

This issue has nothing to do with your installed version of MSIE. Rather, it comes from the version of MSIE which is built into BitComet, and which is based on MSIE 5. You can't change that, but a number of us use the VIEW menu to turn off the whole FAVORITES pane, and just use our regular browsers & bookmarks instead. In my opinion that greatly unclutters the display.

Second, that little window is throwing an error message, but we can't see what that message is. I don't think you can expand the sub-window for a screenshot, so it would be helpful if you transcribe the message for us.

Ce vezi (sau ce nu vezi in cazul de fata) in acea mica fereastra din coltul din stanga jos e o promotie de la BitComet. Nu pierzi mare lucru inafara de sansa de a cumpara un tricou.

Problema asta nu are nici o legatura cu versiunea ta instalata de Microsoft Internet Explorer, vine de la versiunea de MSIE continuta de BitComet, Care e bazata pe Internet Explorer 5. Nu poti schimba asta, dar unii dintre noi folosesc meniul View pentru a dezactiva tot meniul "Favorites", si folosim doar browserele si scurtaturile noastre. Dupa opinia mea elibereaza putin spatiu in fereastra.

In al doilea rand acea mica fereastra arata o eroare, dar nu putem vedea eroarea. Nu cred ca poti mari acea fereastra astfel incat sa poti face o poza, asa ca ne-ar ajuta daca ai transcrie acel mesaj.

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Thanks for the heads up Kluelos, the error message is: "The webpage cannot be displayed

Most likely cause:

Some content or files on this webpage require a program that you don't have installed.

What you can try:

Search online for a program you can use to view this web content.

Retype the address.

Go back to the previous page. "

I once changed the security setings in the "internet options" menu of IE and to my surprise they changed in the built in browser too (Bitcomet 1.0 I think) That lead me to think that add-ons apply too. I am sorry, I will document myself better next time a question like this arises.

Multumesc pentru ca ne-ai atras atentia Kluelos, mesjul erorii e:

"The webpage cannot be displayed

Most likely cause:

Some content or files on this webpage require a program that you don't have installed.

What you can try:

Search online for a program you can use to view this web content.

Retype the address.

Go back to the previous page. "

Am schimbat odata starile de securitate din meniul "Internet Options" al IE si spre surprinderea mea, aceste setari s-au schimbat si in Bitcomet (BitComet 1.0 cred) acest lucru m-a facut sa trag concluzia ca si Add-onurile se aplica. I-mi cer scuze, ma voi documenta mai mult cand o interbare de genul asta apare.

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MSIE is *tightly* integrated with Windows. THere's only one set of security settings, and it applies to Windows and every version of MSIE that is installed. To change anything for one is to change it for all, and there's no way AFAIK to individualize the settings for a particular version.

But I do wish the error messages were more nearly accurate: "you don't have the right program installed" vs. "You do, butI'm not allowed to run it.".

MSIE si windows sunt strans legate intre ele iar daca schimbi o setare de securitate in una, se aplica si la celelalte versiuni instalate. A schimba ceva intr-o versiune inseamna sa schimbi ceva in toate celelalte versiuni, si nu exista nici o sansa sa schimbi ceva in particular pentru o versiune.

Dar as fi vrut ca acel mesaj sa fie mai aproape de adevar: "Nu ai programul necesar instalat" vs. "Il ai, dar nu am permisiunea sa-l accesez."

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aici e http://img33.imagesh...06/addonsmr.png

(vasy! nu traduce asta...refa traducerea lui kluelos pentru ca ai incurcat stanga cu dreapta la traducere)

kluelos. acea reclama apare in coltul din dreapta nu cel din stanga! :mellow:

Here it is:


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OK Kluelos, will the problem be fixed if he does a complete uninstall of bitcomet (delete the folder after uninstalling, maybe download the kit again) and then he does a fresh install? or can it be a compatibility problem or something not allowing access to those plug-ins?

Does the integrated version come with plug-ins included? I have not found any documentation on this...

Bine Kluelos, daca dezinstaleaza complet bitcomet, (sterge si folderul, poate ca descarca din nou programul) iar apoi instaleaza de la 0 se va rezolva problema? sau poate fi o problema de compatibilitate sau ceva care blocheaza accesul la acele programe?

Versiunea integrata vine si cu acele programe incluse? Nu am gasit nici o informatie in legatura cu asta...

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deci...poftim ss http://img233.images...33/8186/ssr.png

am sters bitcomet..apoi am sters folderul...l-am descarcat din nou l-am instalat din nou si tot asta apare.

nu stiti unde gasesc (pe vre-un website) sa imi vad ratingul meu....punctajul etc din bitcomet.

Here you go:


I have uninstalled bitcomet, deleted the folder, downloaded it again, done a fresh install and it's still the same.

Do you know where can I see (on some website) my bitcomet score and ratings?

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Le gasesti aici si aici.

O ultima intrebare: Dupa ce le-ai descarcat si instalat in Internet Exploer, ti-au aparut in lista de add-onuri din IE aratata de tine in postarea precedenta?

You can find them here and here

One last question: Did you find the add-ons in the add-ons manager from IE that you've just showed in a screenshot found in your previous post after downloading and installing them with MSIE?

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I stopped using MSIE quite a while ago except for testing, so I'm operating from memory which may be faulty. I seem to recall, though, that plug-ins "add-ons, in IE parlance", also cannot be installed versionally -- to install for one version of IE is to install for all versions.

At any rate, as I think Vasy pointed out, the Add/Remove programs menu is the wrong place to be looking. The right place is under MSIE's Tools menu, then select the "Manage Add-on's" option. This is particularly so because an add-on may be installed but not enabled, and the Add/Remove menu won't tell you that.

Nu mai folosesc Internet Explorer de ceva timp decat atunci cand fac teste, asa ca e posibil sa ma lase memoria. Se pare ca-mi aduc aminte, totusi, ca nici plug-inurile "add-onuri in limbajul IE" nu pot fi instalate separat --a instala un add-on pentru o versiune de IE inseamna sa-l instalezi pentru toate versiunile de IE.

In orice caz, asa cum a zis Vasy, cand cauti programe add-on nu e bine sa te uiti in meniul "Add/Remove programs" ci in Internet Explorer, in Tools, apoi alegi "Manage add-ons". Asta se datorieaza faptului ca un program add-on poate fi instalat dar nu si activat iar meniul "Add/Remove Programs" nu-ti va arata asta.

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Then you'll need to install Flash again, making sure it is also installed for IE. (If memory serves me right, this is an all-or-nothing installer -- there's no separate plugin intall for browsers.)

This might be a good time to reconsider Firefox. One of my favorite plugins for it is called "flashblock". It automatically blocks flash from the sites I choose, automatically allows flash from other sites that I choose, and asks me about the rest before loading and displaying. This has saved me a LOT of time since flash became so prevalent.

Atunci e nevoie sa instalezi flash player din nou, asigurandu-te ca e instalat si pentru Internet explorer. (daca tin bine minte, kitul instaleaza totul sau nimic -- nu exista add-onuri separate pentru fiecare browser in parte.)

Cred ca e timpul sa iei in considerare varianta de a folosi Firefox. Unul din programele plug-in preferate de mine se numeste "flashblock". Blocheaza automat obiecte flash din siteurile pe care le aleg, permite altele alese de mine, si imi cere permisiunea pentru restul inainte de a le incarca. Am castigat mult timp folosind acest plug-in avand in vedere ca flash e asa raspandit.

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eu folosesc mozila.....mozila are propriile addonuri fata de celelalte browsere care folosesc acelasi flash player cu internet explorer.

pot pune bitcomet sa foloseasca flash player de la mozila?

I use mozilla firefox, mozilla has it's own add-ons unlike other browsers that use the same flash player as internet explorer.

Can I make bitcomet to use the flash player from mozilla?

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Nu, nu poti pentru ca browserul din BitComet (bazat pe Internet Explorer) face parte din interfata si nu poate fi schimbat de tine.

No, you can't because the browser from BitComet (based on Internet Explorer) is a part of the user interface and it cannot be changed by you.

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Asa cum ai zis versiunea ta de windows e piratata asa ca nu ai acces la descarcari de la microsoft. Poti cauta pe google versiuni mai vechi dar ai grija sa nu fie virusi.

Tine minte ca retrogradarea IE nu va afecta in nici un fel BitComet.

Like you said you windows version is not genuine so you don't have access to downloads from microsoft. You can do a google search for older versions but watch out for malware.

Please note that downgrading IE will not affect BitComet in any way.

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ok am sa iau alt windows care are IE 6 sau 7 k am aflat de la cineva k daca ai IE 8 tre buie sa ai alt flash player..si il gasesti doar decat cu update la windows :(

OK. I'll get another windows OS that has IE 6 or 7 because somebody told me that you need another flash player for IE 8 found only in windows update.

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I really suspect that at least half of your problem is trying to listen to many people's advice. You should choose only one, rather than doing part of what this person suggests, and half of what that person suggests, and so on.

Suspectez ca cel putin jumatate din problema ta e faptul ca incerci sa urmezi sfaturi de la mai multe persoane. Ar trebui sa alegi doar unul, decat sa faci o parte din unul, o parte din altul si asa mai departe.

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tocmai am reinstalat windowsul...si imi apare fara sa fi instalat flash player sau shockweave player...


cred ca este de la windows pentru ca daca bagam un CD/DVD care avea autorun, nu imi aparea trebuia sa dau eu Deschidere pe el si sa instalez manual.

I have just reinstalled windows...and it appeared without installing flash player or shockwave player..


I think it was a windows problem because autorun was not working when inserting a new CD/DVD into the drive. I had to manually run the setup program.

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