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Nu stiu ce legatura poate avea AutoPlay/autorun(nu stiu la ce te-ai referit) cu flash player in opinia ta dar e posibil sa fi gresit ceva ultima oara cand ai instalat windows..

Oricum ma bucur ca ti-ai rezolvat problema.


I don't know how AutoPlay/autorun and Flash player are related in your opinion but it is possible that something went wrong the last time you installed windows...

Anyway I'm glad that your problem is solved.


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mi-am pus windows xp home edition licentiat..am facut update la IE versiunea 8 si merge totul perfect. acel windows era dilema.....daca va mai avea cineva problema aceasta spunetii intai sa instaleze flashplayer si daca tot nu se resolva, sa isi instaleze alt windows.

I have installed and registered a version of windows xp home edition. I've updated IE to version 8 and everything is running smoothly. That windows OS was the problem, if someone else has this problem tell him to install flash player and if that doesn't work tell him to get another windows.

Edited by Vasy
Translation. (see edit history)
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Cred ca daca aveai acces la windows update problema ta ar fi fost reparata de atunci.

Multumesc pentru sfat.

O zi buna!

I think that if you had access to windows update your problem would have been fixed from the beginning.

Thanks for the advice.

Have a nice day!

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