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bitcomet restart failure

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Are you using an administrator account? BitComet may not have the permission to modify the "Downloads.xml" file located in BitComet's root install folder. go to where you installed BitComet and right-click the "Downloads.xml" file, select proprieties, click on the "Security" tab, click your user name, click "Edit...", check the "Full control" box and click OK (do this for as many user accounts as you like).

You may have to reboot to apply changes.

This may also be caused by you inappropriately closing BitComet (from the task manager, hitting the reboot button, crash&reboot etc,,) you should close bitcomet by it's "Exit" button before shutting down your computer.

To avoid losing important tasks go to the "File" menu in bitcomet and select "Import and export" to create/load backups.

When you reload a task make sure you use the exact same torrent file and set it to download to the exact same folder. Also do a manual hash check before starting the task.


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