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Poate ma ajuta si pe mine cineva:am bitcomet 1.15 si a mers bine cateva ore cand deodata,s-a oprit si nu mai porneste.Mentionez ca nu ma mai pot conecta la server,si,ca o paranteza,nu ma mai pot conecta nicaieri unde se presupune o logare(mess,mail(yahoo si hotmail),etc.Care ar putea fi cauza?Mail-ul de pe modzila thunderbird merge in schimb,dar este cu terminatie .ro.Astept sugestii.



Can someone help me with this: I have BitComet 1.15 and it worked well for a few hours, when suddenly it stopped and it doesn't start anymore. I cannot connect to the server, and I cannot connect to anything that asks for login details. (messenger, mail (yahoo and hotmail) What could be the cause of all this? The mail on modzilla thunderbird works, but it ends with .ro [domain]. Any suggestions are welcome.


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Am nevoie de mai multe informatii pentru a te ajuta, in primul rand, uite o lista de cerinte ;) , apoi spune-mi mai clar ce se intampla cu BitComet, se inchide programul brusc (cu o eroare? ce eroare? sau daca nu apare nimic) sau nu se mai conecteaza in sensul ca nu porneste descarcarea?

I need more information to help you, look up this list of requirements first, then explain more clearly what happens with bitcomet, does it suddenly close (with an error? what error? or it doesn't show any error) or it doesn't connect meaning that the download doesn't start?

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Programul pare ca functioneaza normal,insa nu face nici un fel de download,si ,din cate imi dau eu seama,nu se conecteaza.Desi surse exista,apare availability zero.Ca sa incep mai de la capat am mai avut o problema de genul asta cu ceva timp in urma,iar dupa ce mi s-a reinstalat windows-ul am instalat bc 1.13,a mers,(nu ft grozav)si,pt ca a aparut 1.15, l-am instalat pe asta.Dupa cum am mai spus a mers cateva ore(si a mers ft.bine,cca 600k/s) si brusc,traficul a incetat(deci nici up nici down).Am verificat daca pot sa ma conectez la mail-ul de pe yahoo si,dupa cum ma asteptam,nu a mers(la fel s-a intamplat si in situatia anterioara).Trebuie sa spun ca e calc.de la lucru,avem internet prin romtelecom,calc.meu fiind parte dintr-o retea.

Poate fi un virus cel ce a facut atunci si acum acest lucru?Au fost niste virusi prin calculator,de asta mi s-a si reinstalat windows-ul,am pastrat niste partitii neformatate,acolo mai erau niste virusi.Oare virusii astia pot actiona asa?M-am gandit la un moment dat ca administratorul de retea mi-a facut-o,schimband porturi,ceva,dar am vorbit cu el si zice ca nu.


The application seems to be working normally, but it doesn't download anything, and, from what I can see it doesn't connect. Although there are peers, availability shows zero. To start from the beginning, I have encountered this problem some time ago, and after my operating system was reinstalled I installed bitcomet v1.13, it worked, (not great) and, because v1.15 was released, I updated it. Like I said, it worked for a few hours (and it worked very well, ~600kB/s) and then, suddenly, the traffic stopped (no download no upload). I checked if I could connect to the mail from yahoo and it didn't work, as I expected(like it did before). I must say that the computer is at my workplace, our ISP is Romtelecom, my pc being part of a [local] network.

Could a virus cause all of this? There were some viruses in my pc, that's why my windows was reinstalled, I kept some partitions from formatting, there were some viruses there too. Can viruses behave like that? For some time I thought that the administrator did this, changing ports or something, but he says he didn't.

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What OS do you use? What router? Do you have BitComet's listening port forwarded?

Do you still, have connectivity issues for the rest of the applications using Internet (browsers, mail client etc.)? If yes what error messages do you get?

Can you ping or telnet to any of the sites you can't connect to?

There are dozens of protocols running on your system and your problem could lie anywhere from the hardware layer to the application layer. So try to provide as much info and test results as you can. That way you'll eliminate possible causes one by one. Networking is very complex and while some problems are very simple and easy to troubleshoot others can be very tricky. There is no magical solution, especially since your problem seems to be of a more generic nature at not strictly related to BitComet. BitTorrent clients put much stress on the system and often just bring out to surface underlying problems not related to them.

Ce sistem de operare folosesti? Ce router? Ai deschis portul de ascultare pentru bitcomet?

Tot ai probleme de conectivitate cu restul aplicatiilor care folosesc internetul (browsere, programe pentru mail etc)? Daca da ce mesaje de erorare primesti?

Poti sa faci solicitari de raspuns la acele site-uri? sau poti accesa folosind telnet site-urile la care nu te poti conecta?

Sunt multe protocoale pe sistemul tau iar problema ta poate fi cauzata de orice de la aria software sau componentele calculatorului tau. Asa ca, incearca sa dai pe cat posibil mai multe informatii si rezultate din testele facute de tine. Asa vei putea elimina posibilele cauze, una cate una. Lucrul cu retelele de internet este foarte complex iar unele probleme pot fi foarte simplu de rezolvat dar altele mai greu. Nu exista nici o solutie magica in special la tine cand problema pare sa fie de o natura mai generala si nu strict legata de de bitcomet. Clientele bittorrent streseaza mult calculatorul si deseori aduc la suprafata probleme care nu sunt legate de ele.

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Avand in vedere ca te poti conecta aici cu browserul web as putea sa cred ca ceva blocheaza doar BitComet si alte aplicatii, sau ceva blocheaza toate porturile inafara de 80, etc.. Dar inainte de a trage concluzii de genul asta intra pe openoffice.org, descarca un torrent de acolo si vezi cum merge. Open office e o buna alternativa gratis la costisitorul microsoft office.

Faptul ca vezi sursele ma face sa cred ca te-ai conectat cu succes la cel putin un tracker si ai luat lista de parteneri dar, ori acestia au refuzat sa se conecteze la tine ori e ceva care te blocheaza.

Un virus? e posibil, la cat de multe virusuri exista in ziua de azi sunt sanse mari ca cel putin unul dintre ei sa faca asta dar probabilitatea ca tu sa-l ai e foarte mica. Iti recomand sa-ti iei un antivirus bun si sa cureti tot si sa stergi sau sa muti in carantina tot ce nu se poate dezinfecta.

Nu pot fi mai concis cu putinul de informatii pe care mi le dai despre calculatorul tau, spre exemplu despre ce windows vorbesti? , ai un antivirus? daca ai un antivirus, acesta are si firewall? ai un firewall separat? sau il folosesti doar pe cel de la windows? iti apare o bulina verde in coltul din dreapta jos al ferestrei bitcomet cu WAN:89.etc?

Considering that you can connect here with your web browser leads me to think that someting is blocking only bitcomet and other apps, or all the ports are blocked excepting 80, ...But before jumping to conclusions go to openoffice.org and download a torrent from there to see how it works. Open officse is a good free alternative to the overpriced microsoft office.

The fact that you can see the peers leads me to think that you've connected successfully to at least one tracker and managed to get a list of peers but, either they refused your connection or something is blocking you.

A virus? it's possible, there's a big "diversity" of viruses out there today, it's most likely that at least one of them does this, but it's less likely that you have it. I recommend that you get a good antivirus and clean your pc and delete or move to quarantine everything that can't be fixed.

I can't be more specific with the little info you've provided about your PC, for example what windows are you talking about? do you have an antivirus? does it come with a firewall? do you have a standalone firewall? or are you just using the one from windows? do you see a green light with WAN: ...etc in the bottom-right corner of the BitComet window?

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It's not enough merely to have peers. You need to cultivate a wholistic ... uh, am I creating ridiculous translation difficulties? You need to become aware of all that is occurring in a bittorrent download.

The peers must have something to send to you. If you look at the PEERS tab, and you see many peers, but they're almost all at the same percentage of completion, then you should suspect problems. IF that percentage of completion is zero, for everybody, then you can reasonably suspect that there are no seeders and that this torrent won't go anywhere. You can stop it and try again in a while, in hopes that a seeder will show up, but it is very common that they do not -- that this torrent will never advance or complete, and should just be deleted.

If the peers almost all have the same percentage, but it is slowly increasing, and all of the peers are advancing in lock-step, then this torrent is being initial-seeded, or as it is mistakenly named, "super-seeding". That's a mode that many people mistakenly use in the erroneous belief that it is faster. There's nothing much you can do about that except ride with it, and avoid using initial-seeding yourself. BitComet does not support this mode. It's only for those who pay for their internet connection by the amount that they upload, whom it will theoretically save some money at the cost of slowing down the upload. Nobody else should use super-seeding.

If all the peers have the same percentage but are not slowly increasing, then the seed has probably dropped. He may return, so you may want to stop the torrent but not remove it, and try again later. But if it's still stuck at the same percentage, and everybody still has the same percentage as you, then odds are that this torrent will never advance and you should probably just delete all of it.

All of these things happen with unreasonably often.

If the peers column in the task general display shows a lot of seeds, and especially if the torrent is extremely new yet has hundreds of seeds, then this is almost certainly a fake torrent intended to frustrate and annoy downloaders, and which will never complete.

In a situation where things used to work but don't now, you need to keep asking yourself the question, "what changed?". You've focussed on the change of BC versions, but it seems unlikely that a completely non-working version would be released. They don't properly test 'em, but they do at least plug them in before they throw them over the wall. So keep looking for other changes. In a situation where you don't control the network, don't discount administrative action. Many admins dislike bittorrent traffic and take steps to limit or bar it.

Nu e de ajuns doar sa ai parteneri de descarcare, trebuie sa privesti problema dintr-un punct de vedere mai general ... iti creez dificultati ridicole de traducere? Trebuie sa devii constient de tot ce se petrece intr-o descarcare bittorrent.

Partenerii trebuie sa aiba ceva de dat. Daca te uiti la tabul PEERS si vezi o gramada de parteneri dar toti au cam acelasi procent de completare, atunci ar trebui sa suspectezi o problema. DACA acel procent de completare e zero, pentru toata lumea, atunci poti suspecta in la modul rezonabil ca nu sunt donatori, iar torrentul nu va progresa deloc. Poti sa opresti sarcina pentru a incerca mai tarziu cu speranta ca va aparea un donator, dar in general acestia nu apar iar sarcina nu va mai progresa nicidecum sa se finalizeze, si ar trebui stearsa.

Daca toti partenerii au cam acelasi procent, avansand treptat, atunci acel torrent este donat prin metoda "initial-seeding" sau asa cum mai este denumita in mod gresit "Super-Seeding". Din aceasta cauza multi cred ca vor obtine viteze mai mari. Nu poti face nimic in legatura cu asta decat sa ai rabdare si sa nu folosesti niciodata metaoda asta. BitComet nu suporta acest mod. Este facut pentru cei care platesc in functie de trafic, cu avantajul ca vor plati mai putin la costul unor viteze mai mici de upload. Nimeni altcineva nu ar trebui sa foloseasca acest mod.

Daca toti partenerii au cam acelasi procent si nu mai avanseaza treptat atunci donatorul a plecat. Este posibil ca acesta sa se intoarca asa ca ai putea opri sarcina fara sa o stergi si sa incerci mai tarziu. Dar daca e tot blocat la acelasi procent iar ceilalti au acelasi procent ca tine atunci este foarte probabil ca sarcina nu se va finaliza niciodata iar tu ar trebui sa stergi totul.

Toate acestea se intampla incredibil de des.

Daca coloana de parteneri din lista de sarcini indica prezenta a multor donatori iar in special daca torentul este extrem de nou si totusi are sute de donatori atunci este foarte probabil ca torrentul este fals, fiind creat pentru a frustra si enerva descarcatorii si nu se va finaliza.

In situatia in care lucrurile au mers bine dar acum nu mai e asa, ar trebui sa-ti pui intrebarea "Ce s-a schimbat?". Te-ai concentrat pe schimbarea versiunii de bitcomet, dar e putin probabil ca o versiune total nefuctionala sa fie data publicului. Nu le testeaza intens dar totusi le pornesc pentru a le verifica mai intai.

Prin urmare, continua sa cauti schimbarea in alta parte. In situatia in care tu nu ai control asupra retelei, nu elimina vina administratorului. Multi administratori nu sunt incantati de traficul bittorrent si incearca pe cat posibil sa-l limiteze sau sa-l blocheze.

Did you mean "holistic" ? lol

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edit:nu mai include tot postul de deasupra ta de fiecare data cand raspunzi la o postare, decat daca te referi la o anume parte, in schimb, poti folosi "Fast reply", ca e mai usor.

You're right kluelos,I just can't ask my adm.to take take care of my dl problem,it's against regulation,but I can't understand what happened.When it happened first time(about half a year ago)I was using another version of BC,so I don't think that BC is the cause,only if(as someone said here)BC brings out some other problem from system(then and now).I'm not a specialist,but it is clear to me that the fact that BC is not working and the fact that it's impossible to log on on any kind of mail(yahoo,hotmail,not even messenger) are related, having the same cause.Can a restore of the system repair the problem?But (in case it works)nobody asures me that it won't happen again, right? I've tried to write in English in order to save the time for translation,I hope you understand what I'm saying.

My OS is windows xp,sp3,I can't say anything about the router because I don't know.Thanks anyway,and if you have any idea I'm here to use it.

Ai dreptate Kluelos, Pur si simplu nu pot sa-i cer administratorului sa-mi rezolve problema, e impotriva regulamentului, dar nu pot intelege ce s-a intamplat. Cand s-a intamplat prima oara (acum aproape jumatate de an) foloseam o alta versiune de BitComet asa ca nu cred ca Bitcomet e de vina, doar daca (asa cum a zis cineva aici) BitComet scoate la iveala o alta problema a calculatorului (atunci si acum). Nu sunt un specialist, dar sunt sigur ca faptul ca BitComet nu merge si faptul ca e imposibl sa ma loghez la nici un fel de mail (yahoo, hotmail, nici macar messenger) sunt legate intre ele, avand aceeasi cauza. Se rezolva problema daca resetez sistemul? Dar (in caz ca merge) nu-mi garanteaza nimeni ca nu se va mai intampla, asa este? Am incercat sa scriu in engleza pentru a salva timpul pentru traducere, sper ca intelegeti ce zic.

Sistemul meu de operare este Windows XP SP3, nu pot sa zic nimic despre router pentru ca nu stiu. Multumesc oricum, si daca aveti orice idee sunt aici sa o folosesc.

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Am facut ce mi-ai sugerat,adica am dat dl la open office si surpriza(pt. mine):merge struna BC(cca 690kB/s).Nu stiu ce concluzie trebuie sa trag.Va las pe voi.


Salut din nou.

Cand deschid BC, in coltul din dreapta jos apare gray light.Asta inteleg ca inseamna ca nu vad si nici nu sunt vazut de altii.Folosesc Avira free edition,adevarul e ca nici nu am suficiente cunostinte de pc ,stiu ca firewall-u de windows este on,dar de cel al antivirusului nu stiu sa zic.Ce mai stiu e ca anterior opririi,status light-ul era yellow,si tot timpul a fost asa.Sper ca informatiile sunt de ceva folos(pt.binele meu).

Multumesc inca o data si astept vesti bune.


I did what you've suggested, I downloaded Open Office and, surprisingly (for me): it works like a charm (about 690kB/s). I don't know what conclusion to draw from this, it's up to you.


Hi again.

When I start bitcomet I see a grey light in the lower right corner. From what I understand it means that I can't see and I can't be seen by others. I use Avira free edition , the truth is that I'm not a tech savvy, I know that my windows firewall is on, but I don't know what to say about the one from the antivirus. I also know that before it stopped the status was yellow, and it always had been that way. I hope that the information proves to be of some use (for my own good).

Thanks again and I'm looking forward to the good news.

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Daca ai reusit sa ai viteze bune de la open office atunci problema se afla in acel torrent, asa cum a zis Kluelos.

Gray Light inseamna ca, dintr-un anume motiv, nu ai primit raspunsul de la serverul BitComet in legatura cu testul portului de ascultare.

Yellow light inseamna ca serverul BitComet nu a putut initia o conexiune la tine pe acel port. Avantajul de a avea un port TCP deschis pentru bitcomet este ca altii pot initia conexiuni la tine, astfel numarul de conexiuni facute creste odata cu viteza ta maxima posibila de download/upload. Daca portul de ascultare este inchis vei avea doar conexiunile initiate de tine iar viteza poate fi foarte mica.

If you achieved great speeds when downloading open office then the problem is with that torrent, just like Kluelos said.

Gray light means that, for some reason you didn't receive an answer from the BitComet server regarding the port test.

Yellow light means that the BitComet server couldn't initiate a connection to you. The advantage of having an open TCP port for bitcomet is that others can initiate connections towards you, thus the number of established connections grows and so does your maximum possible downloading/uploading speed. If your listen port is blocked you'll have only the connections initiated by you, and your speed may go very low.

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Interesant e ca nicio sarcina nu are surse(in BC),desi pe site apar sute de ele.Si revin cu observatia ca sunt sigur ca exista o legatura intre lipsa conectivitatii la BC si lipsa conectivitatii la furnizorii de mail,de care pomeneam anterior.Dupa capul meu ,repet nu sunt nici pe departe specialist) cred ca este vorba de o modificare de porturi ,ceva ,dar,din pacate nu stiu ce a fost inainte si ce este acum,si daca se poate face ceva in acest sens.Eu cred ca programul in sine merge(dovada ca a descarcat openoffice),insa 'ceva' nu-l lasa sa-si faca 'treaba'.Nu poate fi o intamplare,sau o simpla coincidenta faptul ca acelasi lucru s-a petrecut identic de doua ori la rand(si aici ma refer la faptul ca pierderea conectivitatii s-a facut simultan cu incapacitatea de logare ).

It's interesting that no task has resources (in BitComet),although there are hundreds showing on the site. And I remind you of my observation that there is a connection between the lack of connectivity of BitComet and the lack of connectivity to the mail providers, that I was talking before. As far as I know, and I say again that I am not, by far, a specialist) this might have something to do with a port modification, or something, but, unfortunately I don't know what was and what is, and if it can be fixed. I think that the software itself works (fact proven by downloading Open office), but 'something' does not let it 'work' properly. This happened twice in a row identically, it can't just happen or be just a simple coincidence (and I am referring at the fact the lack of connectivity happened simultaneously with the impossibility to log-in) .

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By the term "resources" (as translated), I gather that you mean "peers", or "seeds". If so, then you should know that you can never rely upon what an index site tells you, as far as the number of peers for the torrent. The index site is always referencing some point in the past, when it last scraped the tracker -- and in many cases, that is long past. There WERE that many seeds and peers once upon a time, days or week or months ago, but that doesn't matter. It only matters how many there are NOW.

A few index sites have a function that will re-scrape the tracker upon your request, to update this information. They're doing exactly what your client does. When your client successfully scrapes the tracker, it always returns with the swarm as it exists right now.

Thus, if the index site says there are hundreds of peers in the swarm, but your client says there are only two, your client is correct and the index site is out of date.

The torrent may have been long since abandoned by everybody, but the index site may continue to report that it still has many peers, for a long time.

Prin termenul "surse" (asa cum e tradus), inteleg ca te referi la "parteneri" si "donatori". Daca e asa, atunci ar trebui sa stii ca nu te poti baza pe ce-ti spune un site de indexare, vorbind de numarul de parteneri pentru acel torrent. Site-ul de indexare se refera intotdeauna la un punct din trecut, de atunci cand a cerut informatii de la tracker -- si in multe cazuri, s-a intamplat demult. Au FOST atat de multi parteneri si donatori candva, acum cateva zile sau luni, dar asta nu conteaza. Conteza doar cati sunt ACUM.

Cateva site-uri de indexare au o functie care va cere din nou informatii la cererea ta. Ei fac acelasi lucru pe care-l face si Bitcomet. Cand clientul tau primeste cu succes informatii de la tracker, acestea prezinta intotdeauna situatia actuala.

Asa ca , daca site-ul de indexare iti spune ca sunt sute de parteneri, dar clientul tau spune ca sunt doar doi, clientul tau are dreptate iar site-ul de indexare este expirat.

Torrentul poate fi abandonat de toti, dar site-ul de indexare poate continua sa arate torrentul ca avand multi parteneri, pentru mult timp.

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What you are saying would be ok if it was about one torrent.But it is the same problem for all the tasks I'm trying to dl.And we speak here of thousands of peers(seeders and also leeches).No,the problem is somewhere in my pc.Actually there is something more(besides what I already said here to you and Vasy),my pc can't be seen in the local network after the event happened.In my opinion this is also connected with the other facts.

Ce zici tu ar fi bine daca ar fi vorba doar de un torrent. Dar e aceeasi problema pentru toate sarcinile pe care incerc sa le descarc. Si este vorba de mii de parteneri (donatori si lipitori). Nu, problema e undeva in calculatorul meu. De fapt mai e ceva(pe langa ce v-am spus aici, tie si lui Vasy), calculatorul meu nu poate fi vazut in reteaua locala dupa acel eveniment. In opinia mea, acest lucru este legat cu celelalte lucruri.

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When you begin a task, your client attempts (via normal HTTP) to contact the tracker, and do a normal (http, non-bittorrent, we haven't gotten to the bittorrent part yet) download of a metafile containing the list of all of the other peers interested in this torrent. The tracker's main job and reason for existence is to maintain that list and send it out on request.

If this "scrape" is unsuccessful, there should be error messages shown in the TRACKERS tab. If the scrape is successful, and the result shows no peers, then there are no peers. If you get the list and it's empty, then it's empty. This is, discounting DHT, the definitive authority on, and generative cause of, how many peers there are in the swarm. Anthing that disagrees is, by definition, wrong.

In your case, I would suspect first that you are getting tracker errors, and never receiving the metafile. (This is why the screenshot of the trackers tab would be useful.)

Cand pornesti o sarcina, clientul tau incearca (prin protocolul normal HTTP) sa contacteze trackerul, si sa faca o descarcare normala (http, fara bittorrent, nu am ajuns la acea parte inca) a unui fisier cu o lista a tuturor celorlalti parteneri interesati in acest torrent. Ocupatia principala a trackerelor, si scopul existentei lor este de a mentine si reimprospata acea lista pentru a o trimite la cerere.

Daca aceasta "razuire" este fara succes, ar trebui sa arate o eroare in tabul TRACKERS. Daca razuirea se termina cu succes, si rezultatele nu arata parteneri, atunci nu sunt parteneri. Daca primesti lista si e goala, atunci e goala. Aceasta este, inafara de dht, autoritatea definitiva si cauza generala a cat de multi parteneri sunt in roi. Orice este de alta parere se inseala, prin definitie.

In cazul tau, suspectez in primul rand ca primesti erori de la trackere. si nu primesti fisierul. (De aceea ar fi utila fotografia tabului de trackere din sectiunea de informatii de jos.)

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Nu mai folosi butonul "Reply" al fiecarui post, in schimb, poti folosi butonul "Add reply" sau chenarul "Fast reply".

I'm sorry but I don't know how to post a print screen here,or how to make it visible to you. I could send an attachment in an e-mail,but I'm not able to do it here.If you could give me some advice on how to do it, I will try to show you the picture.

Imi cer scuze dar nu stiu cum sa postez o poza aici, sau cum sa o fac vizibila pentru voi. As putea trimite un atasament la un e-mail, dar nu pot face asta aici. Daca ati putea sa-mi dati cateva sfaturi cum se face, as putea incerca sa va arat imaginea.

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The Guides and Tutorials forum has directions for adding a screenshot to your post.

When you reply, please use the "Add Reply" button, or the "Fast Reply" text area below that, instead of the quote-reply button. There is no need to quote the entire post you're replying to, and especially not when it that message is right before your own.

Forumul "The Guides and Tutorials" are instructiuni pentru a adauga o poza in postare.

Cand raspunzi, te rog foloseste butonul "Add Reply", sau chenarul de inserare text de dedesupt, in loc de a folosi butonul de raspundere cu citat. Nu este nevoie sa citezi tot mesajul la care raspunzi, si in special cand acel mesaj e chiar deasupra mesajului tau.

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What kluelos is saying...

The Guides and Tutorials forum has directions for adding a screenshot to your post.

you can find here .

When looking for the "Add Reply" or the "Fast Reply" options, you will find them at the very bottom of the page (right after the very last post).

Regards. :)

Ce zice kluelos....

The Guides and Tutorials forum has directions for adding a screenshot to your post.

gasesti aici.

Cand cauti optiunile "Add Reply" sau "Fast Reply", le vei gasi chiar la capatul de jos al paginii (imediat dupa ultimul mesaj).

Toate cele bune. :)

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I've tried to send you a screen shot but I can't.The file I obtain when I make a printscreen is too big(3.65mb and I can attach only max.2mb).Is there any other posibility to make it smaller?

Am incercat sa va trimit o poza dar nu pot. Fisierul care rezulta din fotografierea ecranului e prea mare (3.65mB si eu pot baga doar 2mB). Exista posibilitatea de a o face mai mica?

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Is there any other posibility to make it smaller?

Of course it is. Open it in any graphical editor (PhotoImpact, Photoshop, Gimp, Paint Shop Pro, etc.) and save it to a lossy format like JPEG. With a 70% compression ratio for JPEG it should shrink to around 100KB without any visible difference whatsoever.

In fact, it is highly recommended to upload compressed images as they load much faster than uncompressed ones.

Exista posibilitatea de a o face mai mica?

Sigur ca exista. Deschide-o in orice editor de grafica (PhotoImpact, Photoshop, Gimp, Paint Shop Pro, etc.) si salveaz-o intr-un format mai mic cum e JPEG. Cu un procent de compresie de 70% pentru JPEG ar trebui sa se micsoreze pana in jur de 100kB fara orice diferenta visibila.

Mai mult, este foarte recomandat sa incarci imagini compresate pentru ca se incarca mult mai rapid ca cele necompresate.

Edited by Vasy (see edit history)
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Mai simplu ar fi ca atunci cand faci poza sa alegi optiunea "save as" din ramura "file" din bara de meniuri a MSPaint. Apoi dai click sub casuta unde scrii numele noului fisier, se da in jos o lista, alege PNG sau JPEG din acea lista.

A more simple way to do it would be to choose the "save as" option from the "file" tab of MSPaint's menu bar. Then click under the area where you write the name for the new file, a list drops, choose PNG or JPEG from that list.

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This should work.What you see for the marked task is the same with every task.I must tell you again that at the moment my dl-ing stopped,all the sources were available with hundreds,even thousands of peers,and all worked normally(from my point of view).Please have a look and maybe find a solution.One more thing:I spoke with the admin,(telling him that I can't connect to yahoo mail, messenger and hotmail) and he told me that the one who takes care of the main server,not him,put some filters in order to limit the traffic and stop it from increasing too much,so that at a certain point it blocks the overuse,to assure a minimum traffic.He couldn't say what ,exactly, where the conditions,but the fact is that I'm the only one affected, the messenger and different mails work normally for the others in the local network.

Asta ar trebui sa mearga. Ce vedeti pentru sarcina selectata e la fel ca la toate celelalte sarcini. Trebuie sa va spun ca in momentul in care mi s-a oprit descarcarea, toate sursele erau disponibile cu sutele, chiar miile de parteneri. si totul mergea normal (din punctul meu de vedere). Va rog uitativa si poate gasiti o solutie. Inca ceva: am vorbit cu administratorul, (spunandu-i ca nu ma pot conecta la yahoo mail, messenger si hotmail) si mi-a zis ca cel care se ocupa de serverul principal, nu el, a pus cateva filtre pentru a limita traficul si sa-l opreasca din a creste prea mult, asa ca la un anumit punct blockeaza supraincarcarea, pentru a asigura un trafic minim. Nu a putut sa zica exact care sunt conditiile, dar adevarul e ca sunt singurul afectat, messangerul si diferite mail-uri merg bine la ceilalti din reteaua locala.


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Apasa dublu-click pe una din sarcini, asteapta 30 de secunde, si da-ne o poza cu tabul "Trackers", nu "Summary".

Double-click one of your tasks, wait 30 seconds, and then give us a screenshot of the "Trackers" tab, not "Summary".

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Hmm. I certainly do NOT see all the peers that you are talking about. In fact, I don't see any at all. All of your tasks, including the marked one, are stopped. When a task is stopped, BC doesn't make any attempt to keep track of what the swarm is doing. There would be no point to this.

Start one of the tasks. Let it run for a few minutes, while you look at the TRACKERS tab. You should see replies from each individual tracker, and if the torrent is public, from DHT as well. When you do see all of the responses, take a screenshot of that.

Then look at the PEERS tab. Take another screenshot.

Post both of those.

Cu siguranta nu vad partenerii despre care vorbesti. De fapt, nu vad nici unul. Toate sarcinile tale, incluzand cea selectata, sunt oprite. Cand o saarcina e oprita, BC nu incearca sa monitorizeze multimea. Ar fi inutil.

Porneste una din sarcini. Las-o sa mearga cateva minute, cat timp te uiti la coloana TRACKERS. Ar trebui sa vezi raspunsuri de la fiecare tracker in parte, iar daca torrentul e public, si de la DHT. Cand vezi toate raspunsurile, fa-le o poza.

Apoi uita-te la coloana PEERS. Fa o alta poza.

Posteaza-le pe amandoua.

Edited by Vasy (see edit history)
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The first point to notice here, is the number of tasks you are running: far too many. When you do this, they all have to compete for upload bandwidth with each other and with all other applications. Any one task therefore does not get very much of it.

The other peers connected to you, do not see your overall bandwidth. They see only what the particular task you are both connected on, is getting. In your case, that won't be very much, and that would make you an undesirable partner. After a time, everyone in the swarm will have given up on you.

The second point is to look at what the tracker(s) are telling you. For the first task here, most of the trackers are not connected. This is the current set of TBP issues, and it's unknown when they'll be cleared up. The suggested public alternate sites are responding, and each is reporting 200 peers. These are almost certainly the same 200 peers, and illustrates why using multiple trackers is usually a waste of tracker resources. They're each duplicating the other's efforts.

Your screen does not show a response from DHT. I'm not sure what this reflects in this version. It should either report the number of peers, or state that DHT is forbidden. Up in the task summary, there are 327 available peers reported. Let's for the moment assume that the other 127 came from DHT.

Notice, however, that there are no seeds at all. This is ominous. It MIGHT have an innocent explanation, that this is a very new torrent from a single source, which is being "super-seeded" and has never yet had a second seeder.

But here's where you need to stop all those other tasks and give this one some bandwidth. That factor is confusing everything else. Is there really no one to connect to? Or have they all tried connecting to you and gave up on you?

Every task should show an upload speed of at least 1/3 of your measured upstream bandwidth, and in no case less than 8 KB/s. For most connections, this means you can support one download task and one seeding task at a time. You need to clear that up first. Then we can look at this again.

Primul lucru pe care-l observam este numarul de sarcini pornite de tine: mult prea multe. Cand faci asa, toate se bat pentru latimea de banda a incarcarii intre ele si cu alte aplicatii pornite. Asa ca niciuna din ele nu primeste prea mult.

Ceilalti parteneri nu vad latimea ta de banda totala. Ei vad doar cat primeste acea sarcina la care sunteti conectati amandoi. In cazul tau, nu va fi prea mult, si asta te face un partener nedorit. Dupa un timp, ceilalti din multime vor fi renuntat la tine.

Al doilea punct este sa te uiti la ce-ti spun(e) trackerele(ul). Pentru prima sarcina, majoritatea trackerelor nu sunt connectate. Acesta e setul de probleme de la ThePirateBay, si nu se stie cand vor fi remediate. Trackerele alternative sugerate merg si ficare raporteaza cate 200 de parteneri. Aproape sigur sunt aceeasi 200 de parteneri, si arata ca in general folosirea mai multor treckere este o irosire de resurse. Fiecare copie eforturile celuilalt.

Poza ta nu arata un raspuns de la DHT. Nu sunt sigur ce arata asta in versiunea ta. Ar trebui sa arate un numar de parteneri, sau sa zica faptul ca DHT este interzis. Sus in sumarul sracinii sunt raportati 327 parteneri disponibili, hai sa presupunem pentru moment ca ceilalti 127 au venit din DHT.

Totusi vezi ca nu sunt donatori. Este un lucru rau. Ar PUTEA sa aiba o explicatie rezonabila, ca este un torrent nou, dintr-o singura sursa, si este donat in mod initial, nu a avut niciodata un al doilea donator.

Dar acum trebuie sa opresti toate celelalte sarcini si sa dai acestei ceva latime de banda. Acest lucru creeaza o confuzie. Chiar nu ai lacine sa te conectezi? Sau au incercat toti sa se conecteze la tine dar au renuntat?

Fiecare sarcina trebuie sa arate o viteza de incarcare de cel putin o treime din maxima ta testata, si in nici un caz mai putin de 8kB/s. Pentru cele mai multe conexiuni asta inseamna ca tu poti suporta doar o sarcina de donare si un a de descarcare in acelasi timp. Trebuie sa clarifici asta mai intai. Apoi putem reveni la problema ta.

Edited by Vasy (see edit history)
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