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I can't uninstall BitComet


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I tried to uninstall BitComet, however the msg pops up and I can't do anything. I'm using vista sp2 and have tried to run the uninstaller under administrator but with no avail.

This is the msg I got:

Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item.

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Inappropriate permissions are one factor that can cause this message, but not the only factor. It also happens if the installation has been damaged, fully or partially deleted, or installed on a portable drive which isn't at the same drive letter anymore. You should check for further error messages, more details, and anything in the error log, indicating which path windows was looking for when it threw this error.

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Edited: quotation removed.

This is a bit too difficult for me to apprehend. I realised that the folder is read-only but everytime I uncheck it, it still return back to read-only. I have also assigned full permission for all users but still can uninstall the file. Kindly advise..

Edited by greywizard (see edit history)
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Either something is terribly wrong with your Vista installation or you have skipped something.

I realised that the folder is read-only but everytime I uncheck it, it still return back to read-only. I have also assigned full permission for all users but still can uninstall the file.

You will have to explain step by step, exactly every action you took in order to achieve the 2 goals above, because I, for one, can't understand how your OS takes upon himself to undo everything you do.
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Well this is what i think happened, i think as of right now bitcomet is uninstalled except for the shortcuts on your start menu. What you need to do first is click on one of the shortcuts and make sure that they don't work. If bitcomet loads then you do have bitcomet still installed. The reason you are getting the uninstall error is because bicomet is uninstalled and add/remove programs believes that it is installed. So first go to my computer, then click on your primary hard drive (most likely C:) then go to program files, find the bitcomet folder and delete it. then delete the shortcuts off of your start menu or desktop. This will have completely uninstalled bitcomet, but it ill still show up in the add/remove programs file list. If this doesn't work i would try installing bitcomet again and then retry uninstalling it.

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