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pc restart

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so:xp,sp3;dsl,speedtouch 330 modem;bitcomet 1.15;bitdefender 10 internet security.

se restarteaza intreg sistemul in momentul cand incepe descarcarea unui torent,cauze???

so:xp,sp3;dsl,speedtouch 330 modem;bitcomet 1.15;bitdefender 10 internet security.

my whole system restarts when a torrent task starts, causes???

Edited by Vasy (see edit history)
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The "Report" button is for reporting to all of the moderating team topics which require special and immediate attention (i.e. topics which seriously violate the forum rules, which are offensive etc.). If you just have a technical problem, it is sufficient to post in the appropriate section of the forum; your topic will be reviewed by a moderator nonetheless.

As for your question, there is too little info. Since this is not a typical BitComet issue you'll have to dig deeper. In order to do that start by answering these questions:

When did this problem occur first?

Were you successfully using BitComet prior to that or the problem appeared once you installed it?

Does it occur every time or just occasionally?

Does it restart for other applications too, or is it just BitComet?

Do you get the same problem when trying another BitTorrent client (try another one for the sake of testing)?

Optiunea "Report" este pentru a raporta tutoror membrilor echipei topicuri care au nevoie de atentie speciala si imediata (spre exemplu topicuri care incalca in mod serios regulile forumului, care sunt jignitoare etc). Daca ai doar o problema tehnica, e suficient sa postezi intr-o sectiune potrivita a forumului; topicul tau va fi vazut oricum de un moderator.

Cat despre intrebarea ta, sunt prea putine informatii. At timp cat asta nu e o problema tipica pentru BitComet, va trebui sa cauti mai in profunzime. Pentru a face aste raspunde la intrebarile:

Cand a aparut problema?

Mergea bine bitcomet inainte de asta sau problema a aparut odata cu instalarea lui?

Se intampla de fiecare data sau doar ocazional?

Se restarteaza si la alte programe sau doar cu BitComet?

Apare aceeasi problema si cu alte programe BitTorrent (incearca altul pentru a testa)?

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cassie :)

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cassie :)

Edited by Vasy (see edit history)
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An extremely likely cause of this is BitComet trying to address defective memory. If that's the case, BC is an innocent victim and not the cause, except for its use of seldom-used resources.

Download a free memory tester from memtest.org, burn it to a disk, boot it, look over the display and instructions to make sure you understand what to do. Then start it, let it run and go eat lunch or go to work or something else that will take you a couple of hours.

If it says you have bad memory (this can be a bit subtle if you didn't read the instructions) when you return, then you really do have bad memory and need to attend to it.

Memtest86 is really good at eliminating false positives. Luckily, memory is really cheap these days, but you may still want to take it into a shop if you're not handy with hardware. If you try to do it yourself then precautions against static, clean the contacts and reseat first, etc., etc., stuff you shouldn't need me to tell you.

O foarte probabila cauza ar fi ca BitComet incearca sa acceseze parti defecte ale memoriei. Daca e cazul, BC este victima, nu cauza, cu exceptia folsirii resurselor mai putin folosite.

Descarca un program gratis de testare a memoriei de la memtest.org, scrie-l pe un CD, incarca-l odata cu sistemul, uita-te pe ecran si la instructiuni pentru a te asigura ca intelegi ce trebuie sa faci. Apoi porneste-l, lasa-l sa mearga si mergi la masa, sau mergi la servici sau altceva care dureaza cateva ore.

Daca zice ca ai memorie defecta (asta poate fi mai greu de inteles daca nu ai citit instructiunile) cand te intorci, atunci chiar ai memorie defecta si trebuie sa o repari.

Memtest86 este foarte bun la eliminarea alarmelor false. Norocul tau ca memoriile sunt chiar ieftine in zilele noastre, dar tot ai vrea sa mergi cu el intr-un atelier daca te pricepi la componente. Daca incerci sa-l repari singur, fereste-te de electricitate statica, curata conectorii si suportul mai intai, etc, etc., lucruri de care nu ai nevoie sa ti le spun eu.

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Memtes86+ is even better, since it was updated more often and more recently. It works just like its twin, minus some errors that the latter is known to raise in some cases.

Memtes86+ este si mai bun avand in vedere ca e reinoit mai recent. Merge la fel ca celalalt, mai putin cateva erori cauzate de celelalt in cateva cazuri.

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