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Nu reusesc sa pornesc download nici upload:( Am deschis si portul de ascultare (folosesc router linksys wrt54g2)

Overall Tasks: Total:1 / Running: 1

Overall Download Rate: 0 kB/s [MAX:Unlimited] Max Connection Limits: 50 per task

Overall Upload Rate: 0 kB/s [MAX:Unlimited] LT Seeding: 0 kB/s [MAX:Unlimited] All BT Upload Slots: 0

Free Phys Mem: 1.07 GB (Min to keep: 50 MB)

Disk Cache Size: 0 B (Min: 6 MB, Max: 50 MB)

Disk Read Statistics: Request: 0 (freq: 0.0/s), Actual Disk Read: 0 (freq: 0.0/s), Hit Ratio: 0.0%

Disk Write Statistics: Request: 0 (freq: 0.0/s), Actual Disk Write: 0 (freq: 0.0/s), Hit Ratio: 0.0%

Firewall-ul windows este dezactivat, al routerului dezactivat, iar BitDefenderul are exceptie pentru bitcomet.

Abia am instalat windows 7 64 bit!

Bitcomet 1.16

BitDefender internet security 2010

Ma poate ajuta cineva cu niste sugestii cu privire la ce as mai putea incerca pentru a remedia situatia?

Multumesc anticipat!

I can't start downloading nor uploading: (My listen port is open (I use a linksys wrt54g2 router)

Overall Tasks: Total:1 / Running: 1

Overall Download Rate: 0 kB/s [MAX:Unlimited] Max Connection Limits: 50 per task

Overall Upload Rate: 0 kB/s [MAX:Unlimited] LT Seeding: 0 kB/s [MAX:Unlimited] All BT Upload Slots: 0

Free Phys Mem: 1.07 GB (Min to keep: 50 MB)

Disk Cache Size: 0 B (Min: 6 MB, Max: 50 MB)

Disk Read Statistics: Request: 0 (freq: 0.0/s), Actual Disk Read: 0 (freq: 0.0/s), Hit Ratio: 0.0%

Disk Write Statistics: Request: 0 (freq: 0.0/s), Actual Disk Write: 0 (freq: 0.0/s), Hit Ratio: 0.0%

My windows and routers firewall are disabled, and BitDefender has a rule to allow BitComet.

I have just installed windows 7 64bit!

BitComet 1.16

BitDefender internet security 2010

Can somebody give me any suggestions in order to remedy this situation?

Thanks in advance!

Edited by Vasy (see edit history)
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Ce torrent incerci sa descarci? Fa cate o poza la coloanele "peers" "trackers" si "summary" din partea de jos a ferestrei BitComet si posteaza-le aici, ai grija sa le salvezi in format PNG sau JPEG.

What torrent are you trying to downlad? Make a screnshot of the "peers" "trackers" and "summary" tabs in the lower part of the BitComet window and post them here, make sure you save them in PNG or JPEG format.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Imi cer scuze pentru intarzierea cu care raspund, dar am fost plecat putin din tara si nu am avut posibilitatea sa dau reply mai repede.

Am atasat pozele cerute.

Mentionez ca am cautat special un torrent cu multi seederi. Pe site imi indica undeva in jur de 250.

Oare sa fi fost banat contul de pe respectivul Site de torrente si sa coincida cu formatarea facuta de mine?



I'm sorry for being late, but I was out of the country for a while and I didn't have the possibility to reply faster.

I've attached the requested screenshots.

I mention that I've searched for a torrent with a lot of seeds. The torrent site was reporting about 250 seeds.

Is it possible for the account to be banned and to be just a coincidence with me formatting the drive?





Edited by Vasy (see edit history)
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Well, as you can see, this is a private torrent, so there is no way you will get peers through DHT or PEX.

Besides, in the response from tracker you can see it saying it doesn't allow BitComet. This seems to be one of those narrow-minded tracker admins which are far behind with news and knowledge regarding the BitTorrent scene.

BitComet was banned on several trackers in the version v.0.60, due to a bug which allowed sharing peers even on private torrents but that was fixed in a couple of months in v.0.61.

Now BitComet is at v.1.16 and that is far in the distant past.

If you really want to test how your client works you should choose a torrent tracked by public trackers, with lots of seeds, such as Open Office.

Pai, asa cum vezi, este un tracker privat, asa ca nu ai cum sa iei parteneri prin DHT sau PEX.

In plus, poti vedea in raspunsul de la tracker ca nu accepta BitComet. Asta pare sa fie vina unui administrator de tracker cu mintea ingusta care a ramas in urma cu stirile si cunostintele in legatura cu BitTorrent.

BitComet a fost interzis pe cateva trackere in versiunea v0.60, din cauza unei defectiuni care permitea schimbul de parteneri chiar si in trackerele private, dar asta s-a rezolvat in cateva luni in v0.61.

Acum BitComet a ajuns la 1.16 si aceea e departe in tecut.

Daca vrei sa testezi cum merge clientul tau ar trebui sa alegi un torrent urmarit de trackerele publice, cu multi donatori, asa cum e Open Office.

Edited by Vasy (see edit history)
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Pana sa instalez windows 7 nu aveam nici o problema in a dowloada de pe site-ul respectiv. Si foloseam tot BitComet :( din pacate nu imi amintesc ce varianta, dar nu cred ca era atat de veche ca 0.60

Until I installed windows 7 I had no problems downloading from this site, and I was using BitComet. Unortunately I do not remember wich version, but I really don't think it was 0.60.

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