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Salutare tuturor ! Am nevoie de ajutor cu BT. Cam de o luna de zile nu mai merge sa ma conectez la forum ,Home Page , games etc. Cind dau clic pe oricare dintre ele imi apare un mesaj de eroare de felul acesta


Mentionez ca folosesc BitComet 1.14 ,am internet de la romtelecom cu un modem SpeedTouch 516v6, am deschis portul in BT, Vista 6.0.6002, si antivirus AVG free 9.0, firewall-ul e inchis (cind e deschis mi se blocheaza portul).

Va multumesc anticipat, sper sa ma puteti ajuta.

Hi everybody ! I need help with BC. I cannot open Forum, Home Page, Games etc. since about a month ago. When I click on any of them a pop-up error like this one shows


I mention that I use BitComet 1.14, my ISP is Romtelecom with a SpeedTouch 516v6, I have opened the port in BC, Vista 6.0.6002, and AVG free antivirus, my firewall is closed (when it's open my listen port gets blocked).

Thank you in advance, I hope that you can help me.

Edited by Vasy (see edit history)
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I don't recognize the url structure in your error message. How exactly are you trying to get there? What steps do you take before you get the error message? You said, "...click on any of them". Click on any of what, exactly?

Nu recunosc structura adresei din mesajul de eroare. Mai exact, cum ai incercat sa ajungi acolo? Ce pasi urmezi pana primesti eroarea? Ai zis "...clic pe oricare dintre ele". Click pe orcare din ce, mai exact?

Edited by Vasy (see edit history)
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Ai incercat o versiune mai noua de BitComet?

Ai facut o mare greseala prin dezactivarea paravanului, mai bine creezi o regula pentru BitComet in el. (Poti face asta din fereastra principala AVG/Tools/Firewall settings/Profiles/profilul tau implicit (de ex. Standalone computer)/ Applications. Tine minte sa selectezi "Allow for all" cand faci regula)

Have you tried updating to a newer version of BitComet?

You've done a big mistake by disabling your firewall, it's best to create a rule for BitComet in it. (You can do that from the AVG main window/Tools/Firewall settings/Profiles/your default profile (for example Standalone computer)/ Applications. Remember to select "Allow for all when you make the rule)

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This is a redirect URL which appears briefly, in the browser's address bar, when you click on a button in BC' toolbar, which links to an Internet site.

My guess is that he is missing some .dll or other file BC uses to open and pass the link to the default browser.

I believe a reinstall should fix that.

Aceasta este o adresa URL de redirectionare care apare pentru putin timp, in bara de adrese a browserului, atunci cand dai click pe un buton din bara de unelte BC, care face legatura cu un site de pe internet.

Parerea mea este ca ii lipseste un fisier .dll sau oricare altul de care are nevoie BC pentru a transmite adresa la navigatorul implicit.

Cred ca o reinstalare ar rezolva asta.

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I think he's referring to the toolbar (the one containing "Favorite" , "Options", "Homepage", "Games", etc...) I don't remember seeing "games" anywhere else in that version... :unsure:

Also, the error containins the word "toolbar" in it..

Cred ca se refera la bara de unelte (aceea care contine "Favorite", "Options", "Homepage", "Games", etc...) nu-mi amintesc sa fi vazut "games" in alta parte in acea versiune...

De asemenea, eroarea contine cuvantul "toolbar"

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Ok, so you can make the BitComet toolbar include games, though it's not there by default

View -> Toolbar Status -> Buttons

(All kinds of clutter you can put on the toolbar.)

I tried this, and if you're quick you can capture the url in the location bar before it actually gets there:


Now this is a bog-standard url, there's nothing tricky about it. It gets passed to %web_browser%, whatever that may be, which presumably opens that page.

So what exactly is the message telling him? I read "application not found" as telling him that the mechanism passing stuff through to his browser-of-choice is saying it cannot find the executable for that browser.

I'm not even clear on WHAT is delivering this message. Is it from Windows itself? It's not from BitComet.

In any case, I think I'm seeing problems that are not BitComet related and look much more severe. Sure, try the reinstall, but I think the cause is elsewhere. I'd suggest uninstalling and reinstalling the browser-of-choice unless that's MSIE. Then the problem is likely deeper.

Bine, deci poti include games in bara de unelte BitComet, desi implicit nu e acolo.

View -> Toolbar Status -> Buttons

(Tot felul de umpluturi pe care le poti pune pe bara de unelte.)

Am incercat asta, si daca esti rapid poti captura adresa URL in bara de adrese inainte de a ajunge acolo:


Asta este o adresa normala, nu e nimic special in ea. Este trimisa la %web_browser%, oricare ar fi el, care presupunem ca deschide pagina.

Deci, mai exact, ce-i spune mesajul? Citesc "application not found" spunandu-i ca mecanismul care trimite lucruri la navigatorul preferat de el ii spune ca nu poate gasi executabilul navigatorului.

Nu sunt sigur CE ii trimite acel mesaj. Vine de la Windows insusi? Nu e de la BitComet.

In orice caz, cred ca vad probleme care nu sunt legate de BitComet si care arata mult mai severe. Desigur, incearca sa reinstalezi, dar cred ca , cauza e in alta parte. As sugera dezinstalarea si reinstalarea navigatorului ales ca implicit daca nu e Microsoft Internet Explorer. Atunci problema este mai profunda.

Edited by Vasy (see edit history)
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Salutare din nou! Scuze ca nu am mai intrat pe forum, desi e interesul meu. Oricum,folosesc BT din ianuarie,anul trecut. Am avut BT 0.9, 1.10, 1.12 si acum 1.14.

Am avut alta problema cu el: il inchideam si la deschidere nu imi mai aparea nici un torent descarcat (asta la BT 1.12). Am rezolvat-o, am gasit pe forum aceeasi problema. Am sters fisierul ,,xml,, din locatia BT-ului si nu am mai avut problema aceasta.

Cum zice si Vasy, e vorba de bara de unelte. Cind am instalat BT 1.14, s-a instalat impreuna cu ,,games,,. A mers foarte bine o perioada, dar acum pe orice ,,unealta,, dau clic, imi apare un mesaj ,,application not found,, (chiar si cind vreau sa intru la ,,Torrents Sites,,).

O sa reinstalez BT-ul, dar ma enerveaza ca nu pricep ce s-a intimplat. M-au sfatuit si prietenii sa dau jos BT 1.16, dar cred ca vreau sa descopar problema (nu sa aleg calea cea mai simpla).

Trebuie sa va spun ca nu ma pricep foarte bine la PC, de fapt sint mai mult autodidact si mai intreb in stinga si dreapta. O sa va tin la curent cu problema mea. Multe multumiri pentru sfaturi!

Hi again! I'm sorry for not sowing up earlier on the forum, although it's in my best interest to do so. Anyway, I use BC since January, last year. I've had BC v0.9, 1.10, 1.12 and now 1.14.

I had another problem with it: all the downloaded torrents where disappearing after closing it (on BC v1.12). I solved the problem, I found the same problem as mine on the forum. I deleted the "xml" file from BC's location and the problem was solved.

As Vasy says, this is about the toolbar. When I installed BC v1.14, it installed "games" too. It worked very well, for a while, but now I get an error message "application not found" every time I click on any of the "tools" (even if I click on the "Torrent sites").

I'll reinstall BC, but it annoys me to not know what happened. My friends advised me to download BC v1.16 too, but I want to discover what causes this problem (I don't choose the easy way)

I must tell you that I'm not computer savvy, actually I'm more of a self-learner and I tend to ask around too. I'll keep you updated with my problem. Many thanks for the advices!

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  • 2 months later...

Buna!Si eu am o problema oarecum asemanatoare cu a ta.Mi-am formatat calc,dar mie nu imi apare scurtatura k sa ii zic asa de la Yahoo mail.Acum daca dau pe plicul de la messenger ca sa intru pe email sau dak dau pe statusul cuiva care are un site...imi apare tot application not found.Ma poate ajuta cineva va rog.inafara sa spuneti sa il formatez k degeaba fac asta pentru ca tot nu imi apare scurtatura de la yahoo mail...11.bmp

Hi! I have a problem that is somehow similar to yours . I have formatted my pc, but the shortcut, if I may call it that way, to yahoo mail does not show. Now if I click the letter icon to check my mail or if I click on a link from someone's status message...it shows "application not found". Can someone please help me in some way, beside telling me to reformat my pc because it was futile, as I tried that and the shortcut to yahoo mail still does not open...11.bmp

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Te rog ca data viitoare cand ai o problema de discutat, sa-ti faci propriul tau topic in loc sa sari peste topicul altcuiva.

Ce navigator folosesti? (Internet explorer, FireFox, Opera, etc..) ai instalat mai multe de la formatarea calculatorului?

Mergi in setarile navigatorului preferat ("Tools"=> "Options" => "Advanced" => "General" => "System Defaults" => "Check now" pentru Firefox in engleza) si seteaza-l ca navigatorul tau implicit.

Mai simplu ar fi sa mergi in Control Panel => Add or Remove programs => Set Program Access and Defaults si seteaza ca implicit navigatorul preferat de tine( pentru Windows Xp):


Daca ce e mai sus nu merge, e posibil sa ai un pop-up blocker dat pe "protectie" maxima, tine apasat tasta "Ctrl" si apasa pe o scurtatura din YMesssenger.


The next time you have a problem to discuss please start your own topic instead of jumping in someone else's topic.

What browser do you use? (Internet explorer, FireFox, Opera, etc..) do you have multiple browsers installed since you formatted your pc?

Go to your favorite browser's settings ("Tools"=> "Options" => "Advanced" => "General" => "System Defaults" => "Check now" in the 3.0 and above english versions of FireFox) and set it as your default browser.

A more simple method would be to go to Control Panel => Add or Remove Programs => Set Program Access and Defaults and set your favorite browser as default (for Windows XP)

If the above does not work it is possible that you have a pop-up blocker set on maximum "protection", press and hold the "Ctrl" key and click on a link from YMessenger.

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Imi cer scuze,am scris aici pentru ca am vazut ca a avut cam aceasi problema cu mine.Am facut cum ai scris tu si acuma imi merge sa citesc mailurile daca dau pe plicul de la y.messenger.Stii cumva cum pot face sa imi apara y.mail..nu imi apare nicaieri nici daca ma duc in C->program files->yahoo...nu imi apare yahoo mail.Multumesc!

I'm sorry, I wrote here because I saw that he had a similar problem. I did as you said, and now I can read my e-mails by clicking on the envelope icon from Ymessenger. Do you know, by any chance, how to show the YMail[?] ..it doesn't show anywhere, even if I go to C->program files->yahoo... yahoo mail does not show. Thanks!

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Ma bucur ca s-a rezolvat problema in legatura cu navigatorul. In ceea ce priveste YMail nu inteleg ce vrei sa zici. Folderul Program Files\Yahoo este folderul de instalare al aplicatiei yahoo messenger. Si nu contine nici o informatie de a ta personala. Te rog dezvolta ideea, ce vrei sa vezi? Un program pentru Yahoo Mail cum e cel pentru YMessenger?

I'm glad that the problem related to the browser is solved. Regarding Ymail, I don't understand what you're trying to say. The Program Files\Yahoo folder is the yahoo messenger client's install folder. And it does not contain any of your personal information. Please elaborate your idea, what are you trying to see? A Yahoo Mail client like the one for YMessenger?

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Buna din nou!Mai exact vreau sa spun ca nu imi apare nicaieri in calculator instalat Y.Mail.

Edit: Si da vreau un program asa cum e si messengerul..adica vreau sa am scurtatura de la y mail pe desktop:)

Hi again! More exactly I want to say that I can't see where Y.Mail is installed.

Edit: And yes, I want a program like the messenger...namely I want to have a shortcut to yahoo mail on my desktop.

Edited by Vasy
foloseste butonul "edit" la ultima postare in loc sa postezi de doua ori ;) (see edit history)
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Este un ghid in detaliu pentru ceea ce ceri tu, aici, insa aplicatia nu se numeste Y.Mail ci Microsoft Office Outlook (sau orice alt client mail).

Mai simplu (daca tot ce vrei e o scurtatura) da click dreapta pe desktop si alege varianta "new" de unde alegi "Shortcut". In programul de creare a scurtaturii scrii http://mail.yahoo.com in casuta de langa butonul "Browse" , dai next si in urmatoarea casuta scrii numele pe care vrei sa-l dai scurtaturii, sa zicem "Yahoo Mail". Apesi "Finish" si scurtatura va aparea undeva pe desktop.

There is a detailed guid for what you ask, here, but the client is not named Y.Mail ci Microsoft Office Outlook (or any other mail client).

A more simple manner (if all you want is a shortcut) would be to right click the desktop and choose "New" then "Shortcut". In the sortcut wizard write http://mail.yahoo.com next to the "Browse" button, click next and write the name of the shortcut in the text box, for example "Yahoo Mail". Click "Finish" and the shortcut will appear somewhere on your desktop.

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  • 7 years later...

Buna seara am si eu o problema cu un mesaj de eroare :Tracker response error;Your client is not on the whitelist si nu mai pot descarca si nici ceilalti nu pot desacarca de la mine .Va multumesc anticipat ptr. raspuns


(Loose translation)

Good evening, I have a problem with an error message:   "Tracker response error; your client is not on the whitelist" and I can't download, nor others download from me. Thank you in advance for any reply.

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5 hours ago, paulica07 said:

Buna seara am si eu o problema cu un mesaj de eroare :Tracker response error;Your client is not on the whitelist si nu mai pot descarca si nici ceilalti nu pot desacarca de la mine .Va multumesc anticipat ptr. raspuns


This error is because your tracker doesn't allow BitComet. I recommend you find a different torrent.


Această eroare se datorează faptului că tracker-ul nu permite BitComet. Vă recomandăm să găsiți un torrent diferit.

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