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bitcomet not responding


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Hello, im having problems with bitcomet, sometimes it simply stop responding and blocks the internet while bitcomet is not responding...


1) What version of BitComet are you using?

2) What type of Internet connection do you have (ADSL, etc.)?

3) Do you have a modem? Do you use a router? What make and model are each one of them? Have you forwarded your port?

4) What version of Windows, Firewall and Antivirus do you use?

1) 1.15, but already tested 1.16

2) 1Mb ADSL

3) Only modem (motorola SBV5121)

4) Windows 7 professional, 64x // ZoneAlarm Free 9.1 // Avira Antivirus Free

Thanks for the attention

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when this occurs, and you can't reach anywhere, does shutting BitComet down fix the problem? Can you now browse to web sites &c., or must you do something else (like reboot) before you can use the internet again?

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  On 12/14/2009 at 1:01 PM, kluelos said:

when this occurs, and you can't reach anywhere, does shutting BitComet down fix the problem? Can you now browse to web sites &c., or must you do something else (like reboot) before you can use the internet again?

yes, just shutting bitcomet down fix the problem...

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The usual cause of this is failing to configure BitComet (or, really, any bittorrent client) correctly. Please refer to our settings guide in the Guides forum, and step through your configuration. Pay especial attention to testing and then setting your global maximum upload speed correctly, which is often the heart of this problem.

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