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Lumina gri inseamna ca serverul care testeaza portul nu a reusit sa ti-l testeze sau are probleme. Avand in vedere ca la mine merge foarte bine, ar trebui sa te gandesti la ce ai instalat sau schimbat recent in sistemul tau, ca de exemplu daca ai instalat un program de blocat ip-uri (cum e peerguardian) sau vre-un nou firewall.

The gray light means that the port probing server couldn't test your port or that it has problems. Knowing that it works very well for me, you should think about what did you install or change in your system recently, for example if you installed an IP blocking software (like peerguardian) or a new firewall.

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It is also possible that your provider has decided to block communication to addresses that include the BitComet port-checker, under the mistaken belief that it is a malware site.

Este posibil ca si distribuitorul tau de internet a decis sa blocheze adresele care includ verificatorul de porturi BitComet, sub falsa credinta ca e un site cu virusi.

Edited by Vasy (see edit history)
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Cum pot sa rezolv problema (detectare esuata),reinstalarea ar putea fi o solutie?Cum pot sa-mi dau seama daca am vre-un program care blocheaza BitCometul? (din cate stiu eu nu am instalat nimic de acest fel!)

How can I solve the problem? (detect failed), could reinstalling be a solution? How can I tell if a program is blocking BitComet? (as far as I know I haven't installed anything of this kind)

Scrie cu litere mici, si dezactiveaza Caps lock. E considerat tipat si e destul de enervant pentru cei care citesc.

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There is a list of Comet IPs in this Wiki FAQ topic.

Ping them and if you can't reach any of them run a traceroute for that IP in order to see if the problem relies with you or your ISP.

Este o lista de IP-uri Comet in acest ghid pe Wiki.

Fa o cererere de raspuns la ele si daca nu reusesti sa le contactezi verifica-le cu traceroute ca sa vezi daca problema e la tine sau la distribuitorul tau de internet.

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I would check your alternatives first.

Start a few downloading tasks as you normally would (or may currently have running), then look at the PEERS tab, under the INITIALIZATION column. IF any of the peers for any torrent are REMOTE in this column, then your port is open. You've achieved what you needed, and you can ignore the indicator light as far as listen port issues are concerned.

Or, with BitComet running, test your listen port at www.canyouseeme.org. If that site says it can see your service, then your port is open, and again, you can ignore the indicator light.

If all of the peers you see show LOCAL initialization, and the web site says anything except "yes, I can see your service", then your port is blocked.

The yellow light is just an indicator of conditions. It's usually accurate, but it is just an indicator, and can be wrong or malfunction. It's like the petrol gauge in your car, usually correct, but the sender, the cable or the gauge can go wrong, and the final test is how much fuel is actually in the tank.

Eu as incerca alternativele mai intai.

Porneste cateva sarcini de descarcare, ca de obicei (sau daca le ai deja pornite), apoi uita-te la tabul PEERS, sub coloana INITIALIZATION. DACA oricare dintre partenerii ai oricarui torrent sunt REMOTE in aceasta coloana, atunci portul tau este deschis. Ai obtinut ce ti-ai dorit, si poti ignora lumina indicatorului cat tine de problema portului de ascultare.

Sau, cu BitComet pornit, testeaza portul de ascultare la www.canyouseeme.org. Daca acel site iti spune ca-ti poate vedea serviciul, atunci portul tau e deschis, si din nou, poti ignora lumina indicatorului.

Daca toti partenerii pe care-i vezi arata initializare LOCALA , si ca pagina web spune orice altceva in afara de "da, pot sa-ti vad serviciul", atunci portul e blocat.

Lumina galbena este un indicator de conditii. E de obicei precis, dar e doar un indicator, si poate sa greseasca sau sa se strice. E ca indicatorul de combustibil de la masina, corect de obicei, dar transmitatorul, cablul sau ceasul se pot strica, si testul final e sa vezi cat combustibil ai in rezervor.

Edited by Vasy (see edit history)
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  • 4 weeks later...

aceasi problema am si eu de ceva timp!am incercat adresa sugerata de KLUELOS www.canyouseeme.org. si imi vede portul cu toate ca lumina e gri! B)

I have the same problem for a while now! I tried the site suggested by Kluelos www.canyouseeme.org. and it can see my port even if the light is gray.

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Daca acel site indica faptul ca portul tau e deschis, inseamna ca e deschis. Deci poti ignora acel indicator. Pe viitor se va implementa o noua functie de testare a porturilor care nu va fi dependenta de un server.

If that site says that your port is open, it means that it is open. So you can ignore that indicator. In the future a new port testing feature that doesn't rely on a server will be implemented.

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