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Bitcomet Starts and Then shuts Of and restarts

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I have been using Bitcomet for at least two years and I have had no problems till about a week ago .I started it up like I allways do and then this message cam up saying we are sorry but there has been aerror in Bitcomet and it has to close now .It will shut off and then restart and after about one Min or less it will do the same thing. Does any buddy have any ideas as to what to try .I have uninstalled and reinstalled it, I tried diffrent versions of Bitcomet , I have turned of firewall ant Virus i have checked all the settings in IE Browser .I am at a loss as to what to do next.If you have any ideas as to what to do now .Please send me a message .Thanks summercider

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Also... turn your firewall back ON, right away!

Never, ever connect to the Internet without having, at least, one working/active firewall (you can become "zombied"/taken over by all sorts of 'nasties', within a matter of minutes)

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I was going to suggest trying different versions of Bitcomet, but you said you tried that already. Anyway, one time I had a similar problem, and I traced it back to my "windows update" program. I think it was one of those "security updates". If you can remember what day this problem started then go into your windows update and look at your "view update history". Your computer should create restore points at certain intervals automatically depending on OS your using. Start a system restore to the day before you started experiencing problems and see if you still have the same problem. If you don't have the restart problem anymore then you can narrow your problem down to one of the updates your computer made since your restore. Just install them one by one until Bitcomet breaks again, then uninstall that particular update and don't install it again. This worked for me one time, but remember that if you've never done a restore before you might want to do a little research on how it works (and how to do it) first, you could accidentally reformat your computer back to factory condition. Good luck!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Disconnect your internet then open up BitComet. Then go to Tools then Options. Then click on Service then UNCHECK "Sign in Comet Passport automatically".

Hopefully then this should make it work. I have the exact same problem whenever I try to sign into Comet Passport.

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