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ListenPort Problem

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Okay, so I done some reading around, and ive followed the steps umpteen times now. I actually did this about a year ago and it worked fine, recently about 3 months ago the light on bitcomet stopped going green and started staying grey (speeds weren't really affected so i dindt complain) now its always a yellow light (ip blocked). K so i have a 2wire 2071-A router that i've configured to have the listen port 51555, i'll show a screen shot of this. http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c174/avacad01/firewallsettings.jpg okay that's in the "edit definition part" you can see ive added the definition already with that port number at the bottom of the page. okay now i'll show you Port Checker saying the port is open. http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c174/avacad01/portchecker.jpg and finally, the settings in my bitcomet with port number here: http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c174/avacad01/listenport.jpg and there you can see that bloody little yellow light is on :| the time difference between pics is due to i took that last one first, didn't think to add port checker pic and such till i got on here. Umm not sure what other info you should know, I have XP PRO with Service Pack 3, I followed the steps to make a static IP. I turned off my firewall altogether (windows) and also my norton firewall (nothing changed) still showed blocked. ive tried other ports 3-4 different ones over the past couple months when i could be bothered. I've tried turning on and off the unp mapping thing, all 3 of those options actually ive trialed and error'd basically every setting i can lol, to no sucsess. really need ya help cos these slow speeds are drivin me nuts.


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1. You should make an identical rule (the same port number) for UDP as well on your router.

2. What is the status of your software firewalls now? Are they still off or back on? For the purpose of testing, you should keep them off until this is resolved, since you should be fine with the router's firewall (make sure it's enabled).

3. You haven't showed in your screenshots or mentioned that you have forwarded the port to your LAN IP ( so I have to ask: have you done that on your router?

4. Just for testing's sake, and to get a second opinion, go to www.canyouseeme.org and perform another check on your listening port to see if it reports it as open, as well.

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It would be good if you discovered the paragraph.

When the port light turned grey, this meant that BC could not reach the test server at all. At about three months ago the servers were being moved, and there were a lot of complaints and issues around here about that. Nothing on your end needed to be changed. Things went back to normal when the move was completed. Whatever you did change, needs to be put back the way it was.

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Okay i used that second site and the msg came back "Error: I could not see your service on on port (51555) Reason: Connection timed out" and yeah i have turned off firewall, both windows and norton. theres another option in norton though, should i turn this off too? "Use the stateful protocol filter checkbox to automatically allow traffic from the internet that matches connections opened by an application." would that option affect anything?

1. You should make an identical rule (the same port number) for UDP as well on your router.

I dont know what that means exactly, I followed the steps step by step so i assume i done that. (i followed those same steps last year and it worked :S)

2. What is the status of your software firewalls now? Are they still off or back on? For the purpose of testing, you should keep them off until this is resolved, since you should be fine with the router's firewall (make sure it's enabled).

I keep them off when i'm testing.

3. You haven't showed in your screenshots or mentioned that you have forwarded the port to your LAN IP ( so I have to ask: have you done that on your router?

Was this mapped out in the guide/tutorial of port forwarding? if not then i didn't, if it was on the steps then yes i forwarded the port to my lan IP - Not very IT savvy so you'll have to forgive me if i dont know what you mean exactly, this is what i did for port forward, i went to my connections, local area and went into ip/tcp and made my ip a static one? then i chose a random port number i wanna use, went to my router, added the definition 51555 tcp *range*- 51555 udp, once i done that i checked if port was open, on port checker program, all was good, so put that new port into bitcomet and let it load, and ip was blocked. from there ive been usin the trial an error method with turning off settings and turning them on, firewalls all off etc. If you feel ive missed something, please give me the steps to do it, i followed the other ones word for word. The only one im queerying now is the "have you forwarded your port to your LAN IP ( i dont remember it being worded like that or seeing that in the guide so i probably havent.

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theres another option in norton though, should i turn this off too? "Use the stateful protocol filter checkbox to automatically allow traffic from the internet that matches connections opened by an application." would that option affect anything?

This is one of the reasons I've always hated Norton - the fishy-bushy way their products and settings work. That setting has to do with the firewall therefore it may affect your connections. It's part of the firewall function. I can't say if your firewall is still working or not as I haven't used since long any Norton products.

I'd recommend that you kill entirely every single process that belongs to Norton for the purpose of this test (use Process Explorer for finding them) or if you find some of them which can't be closed, just uninstall it for the time being. After you put everything in order you can reinstall it.

1. You should make an identical rule (the same port number) for UDP as well on your router.

I dont know what that means exactly, I followed the steps step by step so i assume i done that.

It means that on the Definitions page you posted a screenshot for, you should also have a rule for UDP identical with the one you have for TCP.

3. You haven't showed in your screenshots or mentioned that you have forwarded the port to your LAN IP ( so I have to ask: have you done that on your router?

Was this mapped out in the guide/tutorial of port forwarding? if not then i didn't, if it was on the steps then yes i forwarded the port to my lan IP

Well, you never mentioned which guide you followed. But as far as I can remember all of them specify at some point that you should go to portforward.com and follow the steps outlined there. If you check the guide on the Wiki you'll definitely see that: Manually Configure Port Mapping at Router setup page.

Once you're on that site, you'll find detailed instructions on how to open your listen port in your firewall (which you already did for your TCP port) and how to forward it towards your local IP.

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