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New wireless modem causes BitComet to block modem IP

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Well actually the title says it all. I didn't see another thread with this problem so here I am.

My BitComet has always worked fine. The modem my ISP provided crashed permanently and the new latest thing is now wireless. All I did was plug it in and I was connected. There was no requirement for settings or port numbering or anyway for me to connect to the modem like there always has been in the past for previous modems.

So now, a day after I connect with my new modem my ISP sends me a threatening email that a device with this IP and this machine number on my account "has been used to scan, flood or attempt to gain unauthorized access to another computer." As it turns out the IP address and machine number belongs to modem from the IP. I have requested an explanation from my ISP but have not yet received an answer.

However the problem is that BitComet blocks the listen port because of the IP address mentioned for the wireless modem. I was wondering how to correct this situation and also was wondering what is the modem doing that BitComet objects to.

Thanks for any help

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However the problem is that BitComet blocks the listen port because of the IP address mentioned for the wireless modem.

OK. Well, that isn't true as it stands, and truly does not parse, but then, your entire message doesn't make sense. Why don't you try it again?

You apparently got a new modem. Got that. It's wireless? No. Not a simple modem anymore. Must be something beyond that, and here's where a make and model number would help so we could look it up and see what you're talking about. Once we know what it is, it might be possible to conjecture what's going on. So far, though, there isn't anything to indicate that Bitcomet is even involved.

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Hey man I've been trying to figure this problem out for almost a day and usually stuff like this doesn't trip me up but it is. My bitcomet says blocked: then it lists my WAN IP. I'm connected through a router. The router is connected to a DSL modem. I think i'm getting blocked by my modem upstairs instead of the router. Mainly because I opened the ports through my router. Now, I've even tried going in and configuring my ZyXEL Prestige and still nothing. I'm almost out of thoughts. I hear ya man, please don't give up cuz I'm not. !!

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BitComet can easily show both. It knows your WAN IP, and incoming traffic is blocked. Modems do not block ports. Firewalls block ports. Commonly, modems do not have built-in firewalls. If you are connected via multiple devices which do have firewalls, then you need to make certain that you have forwarded your listen port through all of them. This is pretty tricky. You should determine whether you absolutely need multiple firmware firewalls.

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