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mica probl cu bitcomet

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salut,am si eu o mica problema cu bitcomet-ul,cand pornesc ,calculatorul imi porneste automat si bitcometul dar nu si torrentele din el,imi apare cu o bulina verde la toate torrentele.desi unele torrente nu sunt descarcate complet nu imi pporneste,trebuie sa dau eu manual pe "start" ca sa porneasca.am schimbat si setarile si nimic.poate nu am facut eu cv,nu stiu,si problema e ca nu vreau sa il schimb pt ca descarc ff bine cu el cum nu am mai descarcat cu nici un client pana acum,sunt fffff multumit de el,dar daca as putea rezolva si problema asta ar fi super,daca stie cnv sa ma ajute.multumesc mult.

Hi, I have a small problem with BitComet, when I start up my pc, BitComet starts automatically but not the torrents[tasks] in it. I can see that the torrents[tasks] have a green circle next to them, although some torrents[tasks] are not finished, it doesn't start, I have to manually click "Start" for it to start. I have changed the settings too but to no avail. Maybe I haven't done something, I don't know. The problem is that I don't want to change it because I download very fast with it, unlike any other until now, I am very pleased with it, but if I could solve this problem it would be super. If anyone knows how to help me, I'd be very grateful.

Edited by Vasy (see edit history)
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Porneste BitComet, apoi mergi in "Options/Preferences" si selecteaza sectiunea "Task" din stanga. Apoi in dreapta bifezi "Auto-resume tasks at program start-up" si apesi "OK".

Ma bucur ca-ti place. Sa-l folosesti sanatos..

Start BitComet, then go to "Options/Preferences" and select the "Task" section from the left. Then check the "Auto-resume tasks at program start-up" option and click "OK".

I am happy that you like it. Use it in good health..

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  • 1 year later...

Salut! Am si eu o mica nelamurire in legtura cu BitComet. Ce s-a intamplat atunci cand s-a modificat ranking-ul? Adica, in 2009, pe cand am inceput sa il folosesc, levelul maxim la care se putea ajunge era cel de maresal. De atunci s-a modificat si nu stiu cum a ramas cu cei care avem conturi inainte de a se modifica lista cu levele si toate gradele, de asemenea, s-a modificat si numarul de Long Time Seeds la care ne putem conecta, s-a marit ca sa fiu mai exact.

Asadar, contul meu, a fost modificat in asa fel incat sa ma pot conecta la nr. maxim de useri de la care pot face download sau nu?

Indiferent cum va fi, mereu il voi folosi, pentru ca mi se pare cel mai bun.

Hi! I have a small query about BitComet. What happened whe the ranking was modified? Meaning that in 2009, when I started using it, the maximum level to be acheived was Marshal. It has changed since then and I don't know what became of us that have the accounts since before the levels list and all the ranks, also, the maximum alowed Long Time Seeds connections has been modified, precisely, it has increased.

So, has my account been modified to allow me to connect to a maximum amount of users to download from, or not?

Regardless of how it is, I'll always use it, because I think it's the best.

Edited by Vasy (see edit history)
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Sunt general locotenent si numarul maxim de useri la care m-am conectat pana acum este 60, dar ar trebui sa reusesc sa ma conectez la 80... asa scrie pe pagina cu punctajul si cu level-urile.

Cu stima,


I'm a Lieutenant General and the maximum number of users I connected to until now is 60, but I should be able to connect to 80... as it says on the scoring and levels page.

With esteem,


Edited by Vasy (see edit history)
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80 e numarul maxim la care te-ai putea conecta. Dar Long Time Seeding este tot un protocol p2p, deci depinde si cati utilizatori de BitComet activi au fisierul pe care-l descarci in lista lor de sarcini si iar cati din ei pot sa mai deschida o conexiune la tine. Subliniez ca nu de la un server BitComet descarci, ci tot de la cei ca tine.


80 is the maximum number of LTSeed connections you can have. But LTSeeding is still a p2p protocol, so it depends on how many online users of BitComet have the file you download in their task list, and again how many of them are capable of opening a new connection to you. I stress that you are not downloading from a BitComet server but from other users like you.

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  • 4 years later...

Buna seara am windows 10 pro x64 si folosesc bitcomet 1.40 si am o problema nu pot descarca prin HTTP/FTP ma logez tot si cand dau pe descarcare nu porneste descarcarea apare un x rosu am incercat si cu windows 7 cu windows 7 merge ce trebe sa fac sa mearga si pe windows 10? Multumesc.bitcomet_1.40_www.kepfeltoltes.hu_.jpg

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Try hovering your mouse over the red "X" and you should see a description of the problem. My guess is windows 10 doesn't like the location you're trying to save to, so you can try changing your security settings on that folder, or try changing the location so something that may be less protected, like you documents folder or your desktop. Let us know what you discover.

Also, although I've kept the romanian forum open because our previous translators did a lot of work setting it up, but we currently have no one on staff who can translate romanian, so I'll have to struggle using "google" to translate.

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Try hovering your mouse over the red "X" and you should see a description of the problem. My guess is windows 10 doesn't like the location you're trying to save to, so you can try changing your security settings on that folder, or try changing the location so something that may be less protected, like you documents folder or your desktop. Let us know what you discover.

Also, although I've kept the romanian forum open because our previous translators did a lot of work setting it up, but we currently have no one on staff who can translate romanian, so I'll have to struggle using "google" to translate.

Încearcă să ții mouse-ul pe "X"-ul roșu (fără să apeși) și ar trebui să vezi o descriere a problemei. Eu cred că Windows 10 nu-ți permite să salvezi în locația în care vrei tu să salvezi fișierul. Ai putea încerca să schimbi nivelul de securitate al acelui folder sau să încerci să salvezi fișierul în altă parte (de preferat fiind un folder pe care îl creezi tu oriunde altundeva). Postează aici ce rezultate primești.

Am ținut forum-ul românesc deschis deoarce translatorii inițiali au lucrat foarte mult la el. Totuși, acum nu avem un translator oficial, așa că ne batem capul cu Google Translate.

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@The UnUsual Suspect

La mine windows 10 pro x64 este instalat pe un ssd si de descarcat descarc pe un sshd adica pe partitia D

Windows 10 Pro x64 is installed on an SSD and the files are downloaded on an SSHD, on D:\ drive.

Edited by GandalfTheWizard (see edit history)
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Please try changing your download folder from c:\downloads to your desktop and let us know if that works.

Schimbă folder-ul în care vrei să descarci: din 'C:\Downloads' încearcă să descarci pe Desktop. Vezi dacă merge așa. Ține-ne la curent dacă merge așa.

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