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I don' think anyone understand what you said. I assume that you have some sort of problem or question, but cannot figure out what it might be. Your message reads like something that a computer "translated".

I suggest you re-post your question in Spanish, in the Spanish language BitComet support forum (even though that's not explicitly for MPCStar, and let Cassie & co. worry about the translation.)

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conetwo, como indica kluelos, por favor expón tu pregunta en el foro Español... (por desgracia, lo que has escrito no se puede entender muy bien) y nosotros nos encargaremos de su traducción. :)

Un saludo.

conetwo, as kluelos indicates, please post your question in the Spanish forum... (unfortunately, what you've written cannot be understood very well) and we'll take care of its translation. :)


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  • 3 weeks later...


I think what he's trying to say is that the HD videos play very slow using MPC Star, which is mostly due to the computer (as mine can't play HD videos either because it's not powerful enough to keep up). In the other part, I believe he was requesting support for VCD and Super VCD formats, which have the extension .dat. I'm not sure if you ever got a translated question or not, but I believe that was his intentions on this post. Sorry, I read a lot of horribly written text messages, IMs, and rough translated readmes for various programs I use. I hope this helps you guys.

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