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1.23 and windows XP


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Hi all,

i've been using bitcomet for 2 years now and it has always worked just (really) fine.

i recently updated to the vers. 1.23 and now when i launch bitcomet something goes wrong, it gets stuck and gets my cpu stuck (or blocked, i dont know the exact term..!)...i have windows xp, maybe it's not very compatible (maybe i have a virus..), what do you think?!

thank you very much

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Here it's running just fine on my Win XP SP3 machine.

Does your whole system hang or what? Does it comes to its sense eventually or you need to restart it?

Do you use any security suite?

You could also take a look at the System Event logs to see if there is anything mentioned in there about this.

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Hi, so this is what happens (at least what happened the last 3 days): when i start my cpu and i launch bitcomet, it "crashes" my system (all get stuck), so i disinstalled bitcomet and reinstalled again, and it works till i shut down my cpu, then i have to do the same thing all over again.

I have scanned my cpu with antiviruses and it seems to be alright.

Do you have any idea what it might be?!


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Try downgrading to a previous version that you used before, and see if that works. If it doesn't, it suggest that something else about your system has changed. Either way, it's valuable to know.

"Stuck" could mean many different things, some of which are caused by not configuring your client properly. See the configuration guide in the Guides and Tutorials forum, and make sure you've got things set up right.

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