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"download order" priority.


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I was wondering if it would be possible to change, or have the option of changing, the default setting of "High" that is used when using the "Download Order" to "Highest."

When downloading a torrent with many files (e.g. artwork or photos), I've noticed that "High" doesn't get the file downloaded any faster than other files on "Normal" but when manually changing it to "Highest" will actually get the file downloaded faster.

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Just right-click the file you want to prioritize, in the FILES tab, and set its priority to "highest".

Bear in mind that your download is dependent on the pieces that other people are offering to you. If they're not offering pieces of the file you want, then prioritizing those is ineffective.

If the particular file you want is included in a very rare piece, changing your own priority will not make it any less scarce, so you'll just have to wait until somebody offers it to you.

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Left-click on any tab and you will see the list of all available tabs. Check the ones that you want visible, uncheck those you don't. (For some tabs, the task must be running for the tab to be viewable.)

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