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Screenshots of videos

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I've just installed MPC 4.9 and I like the way it works. However, one thing that I want to do doesn't seem to be included: taking screenshots of the video screen. I could use Windows (Win7 Home Premium) Alt+Printscreen function, but that would take in the border around the picture including the Add/Remove panel at the right, which would require editing. Isn't there some built-in screencapture function where I could save just the video image as a JPG? Thanks!

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I have a question, this time I hope it's one that's not answered in the Help or the FAQ. :)

I've started using the snapshot feature and I now have eight great snapshots from a short video. They are named (let's say) [original video name]_20101118-18352562.jpg , and then each subsequent shot is named [name]_20101118-18{higher number}.jpg, where the first number string is today's date and the {higher number} is the time the snapshot was captured.

My question is: can I change the way the date-time string is formatted? For example, can I change the date-time strings to my own shorthand, like _01, _02, _03, and so on? If not within the program, can anyone suggest a utility that would do this for me?



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