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Listen Port Blocked, Not Firewall or Router


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Hello from New Zealand,

I'm using BitComet V24 and am having a problem with the listen port on one PC on my home network.

All my home PC's are running Vipre Premium Antivirus and Firewall (version 4.0.3904). My wireless Router is a Linksys WRT54G V7.

My internet is Cable at 7 MBPS down 1.5 MBPS up.

My laptop is running W7 Ultimate 32Bit. It's a HP Pavilion DV8000 (WLAN G). I cannot unblock the listen port. I have tried port forwarding on the router, have disabled the firewall and antivirus, but still the listen port remains blocked. I have tried various random port numbers (currently using 49155).

One my desktop PC (W7 Pro 32Bit), with the same antivirus and firewall, and the same router (without port forwarding enabled) I have the listen port working correctly.

Obviously, the blocked listen port on my laptop has nothing to do with my firewall or router, otherwise the desktop would also have a blocked listen port.

There must be some Windows setting that is blocking it.

Can anybody help?

Many thanks,


New Zealand

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Post a screenshot of the Summary tab of BitComet for each of the two PCs (laptop and desktop), here on the forum.

In case you don't know how to do that, there is a guide in the Guides and Tutorials section of the forum.

Make sure the images are in a compressed format (JPG or PNG) so that they load quickly.

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Well, there is no V24. You must mean version 1.24?

It's pretty important to be very accurate when you're asking for help. We can't see your system or what it says, so we depend on you to report accurately.

It's far from obvious that your router has nothing to do with the matter. Indeed, it's the most likely cause, because you can have properly configured the desktop and router for each other, without configuring the laptop and router for each other. As Will Rogers said, it ain't what you don't know that's the problem. It's what you do know that ain't so.

It's the most likely candidate precisely because you have dismissed it.

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Thanks for your comments. I uninstalled V1.24, installed an older version (1.19 I think), which also had a blocked listen port. Uninstalled that, then reinstalled V1.24, and it worked.

The router setup is now the same for both PC's, which it was originally before I had enabled port forwarding for the laptop, so I don't know what made the difference. My guess is an installation error. Anyhow, it's all good now.

Many thanks,


New Zealand

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  On 11/25/2010 at 8:17 AM, Kiwi_Tim said:

...so I don't know what made the difference.

I'm afraid that's exactly the reason why sooner or later you'll be back here with the same questions, when it all goes haywire again.

Anyway, it's good that it works for now.

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