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Grey light for listen port


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Grey light for listen port. i don't know why i have this problem. i use to be able to download. how can i trouble shoot this problem. i using 2 wire 2701hgv-e modern isp is singnet and anti virus is nod 32 ( i allow bitcomet to pass through). how can i trouble shoot is my modern or isp problem or due to what?

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Gray light doesn't mean it's blocked. It means that the server is not responding or that something on your system or at the ISP level is blocking access to it. Look at the "Peers" lower tab, at the "Initiation" column, do you see any "Remote" peers while downloading/seeding a torrent task?

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How do you allow bitcomet through nod32? write the exact steps.

I guess that you have another software firewall that is blocking BitComet completely (outgoing too), assuming BitComet is the only application affected, is this true?

Add a well seeded bittorrent task, like Open Office and post screenshots.

Go to control panel/security center and see how many firewalls are on. Also go to the proprieties page of your local area network connection and see what items it uses.

Post screenshots.

Also post screenshots of your running services and other processes.

In the meantime, read the FAQ, and also look for other online tutorials about IT and networking in general whenever you find an unknown term in the FAQ.

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Look at the row of tabs halfway down the page, the first one being labeled, "Start Page".

Left-click on the "Start Page" tab itself. (Or any of the other tabs)

You will then see a list of available tabs. One of them should be named "Peers". Make sure that "peers" is checked. This makes it visible. Unchecked tabs are not visible.

You can make various other tabs visible or invisible as it pleases you to do so. (For example, you might want to get rid of "Start Page" and "Comments" while adding "Files". I find that the first two are useless while the 3rd is vital. You can adjust this to suit yourself, though.)

With the Peers tab visible now, select it. You will see a list of peers connected to you for the task you selected from the upper list. THIS is where you look for that "Initiation" column mentioned above.

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How do you allow bitcomet through nod32? write the exact steps.

I guess that you have another software firewall that is blocking BitComet completely (outgoing too), assuming BitComet is the only application affected, is this true?

Add a well seeded bittorrent task, like Open Office and post screenshots.

Go to control panel/security center and see how many firewalls are on. Also go to the proprieties page of your local area network connection and see what items it uses.

Post screenshots.

Also post screenshots of your running services and other processes.

In the meantime, read the FAQ, and also look for other online tutorials about IT and networking in general whenever you find an unknown term in the FAQ.

i finally found out the problem. i dun know when my nod32 block the bitcomet i go and allow it to through so ty.


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