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Downloads Sticking

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Hi. I've searched through the forums without success. I'm on BC 1.25 using vista home premium. ADSL wireless BT broadband. The problem I'm having is only on a few torrents. They DL to a certain percentage then stick but still appear to DL. I'm aware of rubbish data but trying to find out if there's anything i can do or is it a case of a bad torrent that will never complete. The current 1 is DMC Party Classics Vol 3(@SSDJ) 191MB. So far DL gets 2 96.2 and no more but stats say have DL 1.06GB. Also comments can't be posted on these sticking torrents. Sorry for it being long winded. :rolleyes: :unsure:

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It's nearly impossible for us to tell for sure what exactly is your case. That's because if corrupted data arrives to your client, there is no easy way to tell if it got corrupted on the way (and if so, where did that happen) or if it was sent corrupted (intentionally) from its originator.

First, you should check and make sure that indeed all the extra data downloaded went in the "Dropped data" category (by hovering the mouse pointer over the "Download size" value, in the Summary tab).

If so, you'll need to check if you get rubbish data only for this torrent (in which case it could mean that it's poisoned either by it's original seeder or at least by multiple peers) or if you get lots of garbage for many other torrents, in which case it would probably mean that the problem lies somewhere in the connection path between you and the Internet (and there you could start diagnosing by replacing your router to see if that improves matters).

For avoiding "poisoning" peers (if that's the case) you could try to use an IP blocker such as Peer Guardian or Protowall with up-to-date IP lists (such as those from Bluetack) which could help you avoid IPs known to be used by intentional bad peers.

But of course, all this was already covered in the FAQ topic: What is “rubbish data” and why am I downloading so much of it?

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Thanks greywizard for your reply. I'll look through as you mentioned. Just odd out of all the years i've been with bitcomet that it's been on 2 recent DLs yet others DL at same time are fine. Such is life. I appreciate as you stated that it was covered by the topic Rubbish Data but i wasnt sure if it could have been something else. Taa again. :D :)

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You should also glance at how your peers are doing. If most of them are also getting to the same percentage then appearing to stall, you probably do have a poisoned torrent. If instead they're reaching 100% and turning into seeds (or, sigh, disappearing) then it's more likely a problem on your end.

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