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Increasing Upload Speed

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Sorry I'm pretty new at this and I can't really understand the answers I've googled.

My upload speed used to be 100 and I could upload files really quickly but I think my brother changed the settings because it's only uploading at 20 and it's taking days to upload now and I don't know how to switch it back.

I go onto the bitcomet's options and I can see in the global max download rate it's 50 and the upload is at 32 .... I know these 2 use to be unlimited but the boxes are greyed out, so I can't change the numbers. I tried going into "task" then "Bittorrent" and the upload rates are at unlimited

... Can someone please help? Thanks.

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Sorry. Here are the details I can give you:

1) Bitcomet 1.24

2) DSL ... It's pretty fast. Before my brother changed my settings I could usually download anything in half an hour and have a share ratio of 1.00 in one hour.

3) I have a modem. It's a telus wireless gateway device. And I'm not sure what "forwarding your port" means.

4) I have one laptop, and my brother uses his xbox to play games online, hence the reason he changed my settings so he can play faster or someething, but he won't admit he changed the settings ... even though I see it.

5) What version of Windows, Firewall and Antivirus do you use? I have windows 7 and I use the windows firewall that came with it and norton firewall. However, I had my friend configure the settings so bitcomet can go through them.

Edited by silverangel777 (see edit history)
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There isn't any setting in BitComet that I know of, that will gray out the two boxes which configure the maximum Upload and Download speeds in BitComet.

Can you post a screenshot of that page?

If that is really the case, you'll probably need to do a reinstall.

Once that issue is out of the way, you'll need to go to a test site such as http://speedtest.net and test your connection. Pick up from there the upload speed that it reports, transform it in bytes (a rough method would be to divide it by 8) and then set your maximum upload rate in BitComet to 80% of that.

This should leave enough room for other applications to use the Internet in parallel with BitComet. If you really want to avoid further problems with your brother you could also limit the download speed to about 80% of the tested one.

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Ok so here's the screen shot.

As you can see the spots where you can change the max download/upload speeds are set to low speeds and greyed out so I can't change it. I've been googling everything and I can't find a solution, if you don't know any other way to change it then I'll try re-installing it. Thanks for your help!

**I know for a fact when I downloaded bitcomet I had the settings on both set to "unlimited"... I just can't figure out how it's been greyed out.I used to upload at high speeds now the quickest speed I have it 25kb/s .... and that's for the popular torrents!


Edited by silverangel777 (see edit history)
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