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Download setting wont stay constant


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BitComet 1.25----high speed ADSL--gigaset-Se567---- built in router --- Windows firewall

The problem i am haveing , is when i set my download speed from unlimited to a lower amount ,,{350..> 200 } BitComet will not lower my speed it continues to D/L at my Max...

Ive used BitComet for a long time this problem just started recently . MY Task Manager Show same as B/C as D/L speem Max ....Any help

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Exactly when did this change occur?

Also, if you could prepare screenshots of your setting and bitcomet downloading above your set limits it may help our development team to diagnose any possible problems. Guides for making and posting screenshots can be found in our forum.

Also please specify if your noticing this with only bittorrent tasks, or all tasks.

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This isn't a new issue, if you'll recall. A previous version was also ignoring the upload limit, though I disremember which version that was. Looks like it came unfixed.

edit - That was the upload limit not being respected, not download. I've never really had occasion to lower my download limit, ever, so I wouldn't have seen this problem if it did exist.

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If you didn't notice this question, please do so now as it is important.

Exactly when did this change occur?

You said you had used bitcomet for a long time and this problem suddenly appeared. We need to know what changes caused it to appear. Did you make changes to your system? did it occur immediately after updating to a new bitcomet version?

Also, what windows version are you using?

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i believe this just started occuring about 10 days ago . under peers i will attatch snapshot,, i think i will finish this last torrent and reinstall the program , i havent made any changes to my pc lately , so i dont think thats the issue , if i cure it by reinstalling i will post y result ,,thankpost-60937-12969322285298.pngpost-60937-12969322445019.png you for helping

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This is a public torrent and your getting most of your download from LTseed connections (over 300kB/s) and very little from bittorrent (under 30kB/s). This tells us a where to look to reproduce the condition.

It's possible that there is a problem with limiting the LTseed max download speed, but until you came across a torrent with a large number of LTseeds, this wasn't noticeable.

It's also worthy to note that on this specific torrent, no other client would be likely to give you this performance because BitComet is the only client that uses this type of connection. Without the LTseed connections you would be limited to only bittorrent peers, and in this case are only providing 29kB/s.

Thank you for providing the screenshots.

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Keep an eye on your torrents and if you see your max limits being exceeded again, please take note if the excess is LTseed peers. In the meantime we are going to treat this as a verified bug and I'm moving this topic to bug reports.

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