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Piece/peer download preferences


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There should be an option to choose from which peer to download and which peer not to download.

Some seem only to slow your download, competing for the connection.

Also, to choose which piece will be downloaded and it's order ("painting" on the piece map, for example)

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Every connection is a mutual decision. These are made at microsecond speeds and you are far, far too slow to control them. No connection "slows your download". Your client is constantly bargaining and negotiating for the fastest connections it can find, but this is a mutual decision. The fast guys have to want to talk to you too. If you're too slow, if they can find somebody faster, they do. Each peer tends to find its own level.

Every piece download is based on what your current connections have and are offering. If nobody has the piece you want, what are you going to do? Refuse all of the pieces they offer, until one comes along with the one you want? This would stop your download completely until that happened. Once you did get that piece, now what? NOW you download all those other pieces that you were offered before? The time you spent waiting for the piece you wanted, was just wasted, and your download takes much longer than it would have if you had not interfered with it.

The network works. Trust it to bring you everything as fast as it can. Anything you could do will just interfere and slow things down, especially if you try to micromanage it. Human decisions are the equivalent of a tricycle on the freeway, so slow that you cause traffic jams around you. You don't have enough information, or the correct information, to decide correctly and you are so very, deadly slow at it that by the time you actually make a decision, it's hopelessly out of date anyway.

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The one simple thing every user should do is find the proper settings to allow efficient communication while allowing as much upload as possible. The more you upload, the more attractive a trading partner you are, but if your upload bandwidth is all used up, then you become so slow to communicate that you move down to the bottom of the list as far as bad peers go.

I'm not going to explain how to find these settings that work best for you because it's already layed out for you in our settings guide.

Also, as Kluelos said, trying to negotiate connections yourself would make you so slow that the best peers would simply ignore you, and your downloads would grind to a halt.

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Tricycle on the freeway... Nice!

Well... missed that possibility on my toughts; And some lack of knowlege about how things work, too...

Feel more relieved somehow. Good to know I'm not wasting bandwidth with "unsmart" software.

Just to explain why I gave the idea:

I see someone uploading to me at 200 kB/s, and another one keeps trying to push me at 2 kB/s... For a human, it feels like I should "Focus" on the first one, make a always better relationship, and ignore the second.

(More helps who doesn't interfere)

But thanx.

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I know watching the download process you might think that peer "a" is better then peer "b", but stopping trades with peer b will likely slow you even further, and if peer a is sending you more, you will in turn be sending them more. It's complex in the extreme, but the protocol is designed to do just this, and if properly tuned, you should get the best peers you can support, trying to out-think a computer would be futile.

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  • 5 months later...

Ok, maybe not for the sake of speed, but...

When I'm downloading a long video... and I want only the beginning of it... When I look at the piece graph I see it is downloading the last and most useless piece... And I see the seeders are 100%. They could send only the piece I request.

And if it's not availiable, send me the closest availiable piece... and so on...

That's something that's really, really missing in this program.

How many users download videos and other stuff and care about the same thing?

Edited by assassino (see edit history)
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When I look at the piece graph I see it is downloading the last and most useless piece.

The video cannot begin to play until the first and last parts of the file are complete.

We also have a "preview mode" that downloads video in order of first to last, but this is an inefficient way to download and you could end up downloading nothing at all because the pieces you wan't aren't being offered while passing up pieces that are, then after waiting, the pieces you want are available, but then the pieces you previously refused are needed, but are now not available.

If all peers in the swarm used this option, it would be a huge problem.

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If "Optimize download strategy for preview" is enabled in Options, then BitComet will try to download first the pieces at the beginning and the end of the file, in order to enable preview of the file.

But it can't force other peers to give it pieces they don't have, nor can it force peers to unchoke it when they have the pieces but are choking it at the present time.

So instead of waiting idle it downloads those "useless pieces" until such time that a peer will actually send it the pieces it needs.

For most torrents you will actually get the beginning and the end of the file, but for some you'll just have to wait longer if there is no one who can provide the needed pieces to enable preview of the file.

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Wiz, I think he meant that the last piece is the most useless piece, but since video encoding stores important data about the file in the last piece, it's the most important piece to have if you want to watch the video before it's fully downloaded.

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That's true and not true.

It assumes that last piece == last part of this movie file, but if there are multiple files in the torrent, that might or might not be so. What is needed is the piece that contains the last part of the video file to be previewed, whether or not that piece is the last piece of the torrent itself.

I have no idea whether or how any torrent client handles that. Anyone?

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Preview mode downloads the last part of the video, not the last part of the torrent. All clients that allow preview put preference on the beginning and end of the video.

When the video is encoded, it's recorded like a stream, and the final information about it isn't available until the job is done, so during playback it looks for the last bit of data so it can start playing. Some advanced players can play a video with the last bits missing, but it will need to buffer the entire video and calculate the date before playback can begin, and although this can allow you to play a video with this data missing after a great delay, it will completely fail if the video has massive amounts of data missing in the middle.

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Actually, we had a topic, not long ago, related to this.

A user was complaining that when downloading some TV series (with "Preview Download Mode" enabled, if I recall right) only the first got downloaded in preview mode... or something like this.

I don't remember all the details.

When I have some time, I'll look it up.

Theoretically, BC should download the first and last pieces for each video file in the torrent. But I've never actually watched it to see if it does that on a multi-file torrent.

That's why I mentioned the topic above, I think it offered some feedback on this matter.

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That user (if I remember correctly) had the problem because he was changing task settings, starting it with only one video enabled, then enabling the second, then third.

We discovered this after much discussion and if a user wants to do that, they need to rehash the files after each time files are enabled in order for bitcomet to correctly calculate the preview mode settings for each file.

This is not a bug in bitcomet, it was misuse of the feature.

However, from testing I did, when a multiple video torrent is run, it correctly downloads the first and last piece of each file.

I know I've said this dozens of times, but for the benefit of anyone reading this, the options to disable files should never be changed on a whim, it can drastically effect the efficiency of a torrent and whenever possible, you should leave all files on default settings and NEVER disable one file in the hopes it will speed up another.

Preview mode also should be avoided in most cases. I admit it is handy to watch a video while it's downloading, and I'm not saying you should never use it, but you definitely should use it sparingly. It's more efficient and kinder to everyone in the swarm if you trade pieces that are most available rather then demand them in a certain order.

If a brand new movie is just released and I have been waiting to watch it, I may use preview mode, but normally I just let it download and watch when complete.

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  • 4 months later...

For crist sake. This innability is starting to piss me. REALLY.

How hard is it to do that???

We don't give a f** if 10 MB will be dropped if 10 guys pass me the same piece at the same time. Sometimes we have priorities for "Parts" over "Speed". Also we understand that it'll not always be availiable. But Download THAT PIECE when able.

For Millions of personal reasons we need this. I'm the only one complaining here, but let's not limit the world to this forum.

That preview strategy doesn't work. RMVB headings is on the beginning... AVI is at the end... It may download in order from the beginning, but then starts to scatter.

And so goes on...

Consequences? We are AWARE!

Edited by assassino (see edit history)
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For crist sake. This innability is starting to piss me. REALLY.

How hard is it to do that???

We don't give a f** if 10 MB will be dropped if 10 guys pass me the same piece at the same time. Sometimes we have priorities for "Parts" over "Speed". Also we understand that it'll not always be availiable. But Download THAT PIECE when able.

For Millions of personal reasons we need this. I'm the only one complaining here, but let's not limit the world to this forum.

That preview strategy doesn't work. RMVB headings is on the beginning... AVI is at the end... It may download in order from the beginning, but then starts to scatter.

And so goes on...

Consequences? We are AWARE!

This post reads more like a "rant", then a request for help. If you want to complain, go complain to the developers, the people who give you free software by the way, if you want to be part of our user forum and seek help, or open a discussion, then you're welcome, as long as your polite.

ps. I'd reply to the issues you mention, but to be honest, the point your trying to make alludes me.

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