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Greetings, Profile Settings Test, and a Question


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Hello there fellow BitComet users.

Wanted to test my profile/forum settings as well as ask: What exactly is the purpose of the "DudeOfGrace has not set their status [update]" header block seen when I view my profile at "Comet Forums > Viewing Profile"? I tried executing an "Update" after nulling it out, but it just reappears upon next visit.

Thanks in advance ... Via Con Dios.

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  On 3/14/2011 at 4:30 PM, The UnUsual Suspect said:

go to "edit my profile" and under "interests" put in anything you want, that will be shown as your status.

Then I'm apparently missing something here. At my profile page I see this ...


I click the "Update" button ...


then enter some text and click "Save" and I get this ...


I tried performing your suggestion ...


but there was no evidence of update/display to either of my inputs that I could see on any other pages. Unfortunately I'm still perplexed!

  On 3/14/2011 at 8:35 PM, cassie said:

Pssst... it's Vaya con Dios wink.gif

Thanks Cassie, you're right!

I know what it means, but I wasn't sure how to spell it. So I did a quick Google and based on those results I presumed it was accurate. It must be a very common misspelling, because Google doesn't even provide the ever-occurring "Did you mean ...?" or "Showing results for ...".

I sincerely appreciate the correction ... and Vaya con Dios!

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Oops! I do see that my "interests" input is was displayed in the left frame. However, still wondering about my original question: What exactly is the purpose of the "DudeOfGrace has not set their status [update]" header block seen when I view my profile at "Comet Forums > Viewing Profile"?

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Sorry, I misunderstood your first question. "interests" and "status" aren't the same thing.

You have however correctly updated your status, which now reads...

DudeOfGrace I've entered and saved this text

Where before it said you haven't set your status, and now you have. However, I suggest you change it to something like...

"Now knows how to change his status"

ps. the "status" is just something that appears when someone visits your profile in the forum, it won't make any difference anywhere else.

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  On 3/20/2011 at 7:53 PM, The UnUsual Suspect said:

ps. the "status" is just something that appears when someone visits your profile in the forum, it won't make any difference anywhere else.

Thanks so much for clearing that up for me.

So I suppose it's designed to be a like a doorknob hanger of sorts. I mean, where one could pronounce "I graduate this Friday!", "does anyone else hear those spooky voices", or "I still have that nasty rash and it won't go away"? Well in your honor I believe I will take your suggestion and make it known: "Now knows how to change his status".

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