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tab issues

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Right, i've just swiched over to cometbird from firefox.

1: how do i turn off colored tabs.

and 2: how do i get X's to appear on all tabs like in firefox, as currently in comet bird, im having to click on a tab i want to close for the x to show.

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To close a tab in cometbird you can double-click it. This is a feature that was added. I personally didn't like it so I had one of our support staff prepare a guide on how to disable this feature.


To make the "x" appear on the tabs, type "about:config" in the address bar and hit "enter".

Confirm that you will be careful and proceed. (warranty refers to cometbird not your computer)

Type "browser.tabs.closeButtons" in the "filter" area and hit "enter".

When that item appears, "right click" and change the value from "0" to "1"

The "x"s will now appear on all tabs.

As for disabling the color tabs, someone else will have to help you with that. Personally I can't imagine why it would matter, but if they really bother you, I'm sure it would be easy to disable, I just don't have time to research it.

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