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Torrent Collection Loading...


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In order to solve problems with the "Torrent Collection" Loading time (when the quantity is to long); I would like to propose that the Bitcomet client add to its improvements a local MySQL database to connect (included in the client instalation or not, but with the capability to configure a connection and create the tables) for saving the list. So, this will allow to saving large quantity of torrents and the search will be better.

Of course, Bitcomet must manage navigation of queries (pages segments) for reading the database.

I hope this help to keep Bitcomet in the First Place in the torrent clients list.


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There is no point to trying to save the list. It exists only in real-time, among the clients you are connected to *now*. Saving a list full of clients that you aren't connected to anymore is useless, because you no longer have access to those torrents. There is no mechanism for finding someone you were connected to formerly, even if they are online now.

You'd be spending a lot of time picking through the list and discarding. Better to spend that time adding valid contacts.

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Yes, the only way this would even work was if every torrent in the torrentshare was downloaded to your computer. This could add a significant amount of overhead to your bandwidth and be a waste of resources.

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