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Anonymous Download

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BitComet Anonymous Download is our latest addition to our VIP service. With Anonymous Download our VIP members can download any BitTorrent task without directly connecting to the torrent tracker or any of the peers.

How does Anonymous Download work?

When a user enables VIP on a task, they will see an option for "anonymous download" (version 1.28 and above).


When enabled, our VIP server will start the task and begin downloading the data on behalf of the BitComet VIP user. Our VIP servers are state of the art high speed servers and can download the files much faster then any user on a residential internet connection. Our servers will look for peers first in BitComet's Proprietary LTseed network. If sufficient resources are available there, then it will have no need to connect to the bittorrent swarm at all. If it is necessary to connect to bittorrent peers, it will be the VIP servers very fast upload speed that will get the fastest possible download speed*.

What about seeding the files I download, I don't want to be a leech?

BitComet has carefully considered this issue and we are confident that nearly all bittorrent tasks will be seeded to a ratio much higher then 1:1 (or 1.0 share ratio). Our Servers can upload extremely fast, so as soon as the VIP server downloads any part of the bittorrent task, it will offer it to all peers in the swarm. In a healthy (hungry) torrent, a typical 1gB task will upload several times the total downloaded. By using BitComet VIP service, your not only helping yourself, but also the entire swarm and general health of the torrent, after all, this is what p2p is all about.

What if the torrent has no other downloaders and the VIP server is unable to seed back the torrent?

Unfortunately this is a possibility, but such conditions do exist and in this rare case our VIP servers are coded to continue the upload for an additional Two Hours after the download is complete. If it is unable to upload to a share ratio greater then 1.0 in that time, it will (unfortunately) have to abandon the task. However, a 1gB task can easily be uploaded several hundred times over with our VIP servers in the time period of two hours, so we feel this is more then sufficient and will make BitComet VIP users among the best peers in any swarm.

How can I be sure that the files I'm downloading cannot be traced to my IP address?

Anonymous VIP downloading does not connect to any bittorrent peers, torrent trackers, dht networks, or peer exchange. Connections are only made to our VIP servers which are designed to run the task, holding the data in memory only long enough to complete the cycle of downloading and uploading, and to send the data to the VIP client. When this is complete, the task is purged along with all the data downloaded. We keep no records whatsoever in regards to what you downloaded.

How can this be anonymous when we have to send payment information to purchase a VIP plan?

Quite simple, VIP is a download acceleration service. We don't provide any of the data you are downloading, we only use our technology to help you get it faster and more secure. The only records kept are that you purchased a VIP plan and how much of it you may have used. There is no distinction between basic acceleration and anonymous downloading.

What if I'm very concerned about privacy and don't want any Bank records showing that I purchased a plan?

We accept major credit and debit cards as well as paypal. If a user is that concerned about records, they may purchase a prepaid debit card and register using any name they wish, then use the debit card directly, or though paypal, however this really is unnecessary as VIP downloading is completely legal and just as your ISP is not allowed to violate your privacy by keeping records, we too keep no records.

Will there be a performance difference between VIP acceleration and Anonymous Download?

With traditional VIP acceleration, BitComet will connect to trackers and obtain peer lists then the job of downloading the files is split between your local connection and BitComet's VIP servers. In some cases this may be faster then Anonymous Downloading. Users with slower connections will probably find either service equally fast, while users on extremely fast connections may find VIP acceleration to be faster then Anonymous Download.

Will there be any Free Trials of this service?

Yes, we offer a basic 10gB free trial to users with a score at or above 40,000 points. As mentioned in a public announcement, when VIP first begun we allowed all users access to our free trial, but the result was thousands upon thousands of free users each day, which was unexpected and our servers weren't prepared for such a heavy load. We have been upgrading and purchasing new servers in anticipation of the release of Anonymous Download, so we should be able to handle any number of users.

Please note that the former limit of 80,000 points to qualify for a free trial has now been lowered to 40,000.

Will I be able to share the files I downloaded with other users through the LTseed network, and if so, will that be done anonymously?

Yes, anonymous tasks can be shared via LTseed and BitComet will hide your IP address on any connections you make with other peers. During these connections it could be possible for someone monitoring network traffic to discover IP addresses using 3rd party tools, but considering that the LTseed network is completely separate from the bittorrent network and that no peer can connect to more then 40-102 LTseed peers at any time, it would be extremely unlikely that sharing via LTseed could ever be a security threat to any user, but those who are overly concerned about privacy may wish to disable LTseed on anonymous downloads just to be sure they are 100% anonymous.

Work In Progress: These FAQs will be added to wiki.bitcomet.com when Anonymous Download is added to BitComet stable release.

Temporary FAQ:

If Anonymous Download is still in Beta Testing, why has it been included in BitComet 1.28 (stable version)?

We are aware that the client does not identify Anonymous Download as being in Beta Testing. This has been reported to development and future versions will include this designation if the service remains in Beta.

We wanted to extend it's use to all BitComet vip members so the decision was to include it in the stable version of our client, but the option for Anonymous Download is still in Beta Testing.

*With all bittorrent downloads, the presence of sufficient resources is required to download the task. If there are no sources, then a bittorrent task cannot finish, but in some cases the task can complete from LTseed sources.

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Hi, VIP and normal torrent download is working well for me, but anonymous will not work at all. First thought as to the problem is that my ISP has me behind NAT, with no ports forwarded throught at all. Could this explain why anonymous download (only) will not work?

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Hi, VIP and normal torrent download is working well for me, but anonymous will not work at all. First thought as to the problem is that my ISP has me behind NAT, with no ports forwarded throught at all. Could this explain why anonymous download (only) will not work?

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  On 5/9/2014 at 4:02 AM, hoseinsat said:

Hi, VIP and normal torrent download is working well for me, but anonymous will not work at all. First thought as to the problem is that my ISP has me behind NAT, with no ports forwarded throught at all. Could this explain why anonymous download (only) will not work?

It's hard to say why anonymous isn't working for you without more info, but having an open listen port isn't required to use anonymous since peers won't be contacting you directly. This will affect your overall performance by other means though.

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