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EBook reader for .lit files


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Can someone please tell me if there is some kind of reader for .lit files besides the Microsoft Reader. I know .lit is proprietary to Microsoft but I was hoping to find a reader capable of opening them that has a more attractive interface. I tried using ABC Amber LIT converter for Gon Visor, but unfortunately it can't convert the files into any format that Gon Visor recognizes, and that particular reader is capable of opening a wide variety of files. If someone knows anyway I can get these .lit books open another way, I would love to hear about it.

Thanks in advance


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  • 2 years later...

I also found calibre absolutely amazing and very simple to learn i figured it out by the second week of owning my kobo mini and I learned that free books were better and ebooks are even hotter tomales since they dont weigh anything compared to the 2000 or so paperbacks ive had to lug through my past 5 moves. Lmao this time im leaving the paper behind calibre not only did conversions it can even load ur ereader itself without needing in my case kobo desktop ...... saved like 170$ dling the harry dresden series and uploading em with calibre

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yep, Calibre rules and it's also updated very often.

On top, its PC ebook reader module uses CSS for displaying the pages and it's incredibly versatile; it will allow you to customize almost every conceivable feature of the page and also allow you to add cool page backgrounds (I've read all the 5 volumes of "A Song of Ice And Fire" on a page background resembling old yellowish book paper that I've found elsewhere, which made reading those almost 1000 pages of each volume a real pleasure).

Of course it doesn't beat the comfort of a real physical ebook reader but I haven't decided on a model yet, so in the meantime...

Anyway, most of the modern physical readers don't support .LIT since it's a Microsoft proprietary format that was discontinued even by Microsoft themselves.

You can try to see here which physical readers support .LIT: http://en.wikipedia...._e-book_readers

If you are really heading towards a physical reader then you can use Calibre to convert your .LIT into EPUB which is an open standard and the new hype in the ebook arena and is also recognized by most readers.

In fact you can use Calibre to convert pretty much any format towards almost any format.

Else for a list of other software readers check this: http://wiki.mobilere...oftware#Windows

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