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Opening unfinished .blc files?


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Ok so here is the deal, i have deleted a 16 gig rar file AND bitcomet so i downloaded bitcomet again. Previously when i did this when i reinstalled bitcomet and started downloading the file again, it would start, i could stop it, and it would still extract even as unfinished file. But now i cant even open it, why is this happening? I remember i used to do system restore but now my computer wont let me for some reason, any help on this?

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No idea what a .blc file is.

No idea what you're asking, either. You deleted a big file, and you deleted BitComet. Ok, why? Then, you reinstalled bitcomet and started downloading the big file again. Why? Why did you delete it in the first place? Why did you delete Bitcomet in any case? If you had something that would open a .blc file, whatever that is, maybe you uninstalled the whatever-it-is and now your system doesn't recognize .blc files, whatever they are?

If you haven't got any restore points set, then you can't do a system restore.

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  • 4 weeks later...

If the file ext is actually BC! then it relates to an incomplete bit comet download, you would either need to allow the file to complete downloading, delete and re-download. There is no program available to open an incomplete BC! file. Further info just google BC! file.... hope that helps

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