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To block spammers, this forum has suspended new user registration

my isp contacted me saying i ilegaly downloaded a copyrighted file

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Your isp doesn't watch what you download, it's other peers in the torrent that are logging your IP address and sending letters to the ISP that owns that IP, who then "sometimes" will pass it on to the user. The person making the complaint doesn't know who the person is, unless they are foolish and respond to the letter, in which case you'd want to talk to a legal expert.

If you want to avoid being harassed like this, then one option is to use anonymous download that is available with our vip packages. This service is currently in beta testing, so may not always work, but you're welcome to try it.

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peerguardian will prevent connections with known hostile IP addresses if used properly, but it can also cripple bitcomet by blocking cometID. If you want to do the reasearch, then I'd encourage you to use peer guardian, but some people just start blocking lists of IPs with no logic or sense, often blocking the best peers, and even if used properly its trivially easy for an anti p2p group to avoid being on the lists

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