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(Malaysia) download speed slow these days?


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From previous post that had been locked i realise that there are some people facing the same problem like me. I also found out there are some unusual thing about bitcomet these few days.

1. I can't connect to any LT seed and download speed are very low

2. on the peers there all the client types are other client such as utorrent none of them are bitcomet client

3. when i login to this website google warn me that there is malware in the forum

4. i try other p2p software like pps and utorrent they function quite while

Is that true that nothing happen to do with bitcomet??

Edited by exia (see edit history)
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LT seeding is a feature of the BItComet client only, and later versions of it at that.

There must be seeders, who are using later versions of BitComet, and who have enabled LT seeding, in the swarm before you will see any downloading or benefit from LT seeding.

No one has any control over who joins the swarm. This is an individual decision, as is the choice of client they use.

The forum does not distribute malware. Unfortunately, those who can meaningfully speak for the forum to Google, have left town and are on a ten-day vacation for Chinese New Year.

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I have noted that these few days :

1. though the connection is good ( green ) , there are no downloading at all ..no receiving

2.I have tried using the new version and the result is still the same...I have reinstalled the older version and still the result is the same.

these never happenned before..any solutions

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Most of my download speed are from LT seed and it seem like this feature is bitcomet unique feature the problem now is my bitcomet cannot detect other bitcomet client thus LT seed cannot be used.

It seem like not the torrent file seeder problem cause most of them are animation file which upload weekly and i never meet this problem before

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The point is that there must be OTHER PEERS in the swarm

  • who are seeders
  • who are using later versions of BitComet
  • who have enabled LT-seeding

in order for LT-seeding to work. If all of these aren't true, then there won't be any LT-seeding for this torrent. There is nothing you can do to affect which torrents other people decide to download, or which client they decide to use or which version of that client they use or whether they enable LT-seeding or not.

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I know for LT seed work there must be other bitcomet user who which also support LT seed function but i am now downloading at least 10 hot torrent and they all suddenly stop using bitcomet to sharing?? it is not reasonable to think that they all stop using bitcomet because in the past every week all the animation share many seeders are using bitcomet to share and support LT seed

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emm le

  On 1/27/2012 at 7:10 PM, kluelos said:

I'm having a great deal of difficulty understanding you.

emm let me say like this

1.i download animation which will renew weekly

2. every week also got many LT seed connected

3.start from last saturday when i download new update animation no more LT seed

4.To share via LT seed they must use bitcomet and choose for LT seeding so no LT seed =either suddenly all use bitcomet user choose not to use bitcomet or they still use bitcomet but they did not choose for LT seeding , my connection problem, or lastly some thing wrong with bitcomet system.

i had test my connection by using other p2p software this is nothing to do with my connection. for all user stop using bitcomet to download or not LT seeding it involve thousand of people thus in my opinion it is also not rational to think that this is the problem thus left the last option something wrong with bitcomet.........

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me too having this problem starting on 21 january 2012. i cant download anything. 0kBps-10kBps.

its a hot torrent. starting new task doesnt change anything.

usually i can get 500++kBps. and no i dont change any setting.

anyone from Malaysia having this problem?

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I think if there was a problem with bitcomet's LTseed protocol system, that we'd be seeing the forum fill up with reports. So far this is the only report I've seen so it's possible that there is a problem with your connection, or perhaps your provider has recently discovered a way to block LTseed protocol, or any number of other possibilities.

We will of course keep an eye on the forum to see if other users are unable to obtain LTseed connections, and if there does appear to be an issue, development will be notified, but for now there isn't much we can do unless we can reproduce this condition, and it works fine for me.

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  On 1/28/2012 at 1:26 PM, yuszx said:

me too having this problem starting on 21 january 2012. i cant download anything. 0kBps-10kBps.

its a hot torrent. starting new task doesnt change anything.

usually i can get 500++kBps. and no i dont change any setting.

anyone from Malaysia having this problem?

yup, i also from malaysia and having the same problem as urs. maybe our isp control or limit the p2p bandwith. cuz i don hav problem with direct download.

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I am also from Malaysia i know streamyx throttling p2p but this is many years ago and they only throttling some user. I am not affected that time and now my download speed slow and i had tried to use vpn but still can't improve any download speed thus i wondering is that really our connection problem. I also tried on pps and utorrent pps run properly utorrent slower than usual bitcomet speed but still faster than current bitcomet speed.

I also found that most of our download are from LT seed. Before LT seed be implement i am already using bitcomet that time and that time the speed are 100-130kb after LT seed implement the speed are still the same but most of my download are from LT seed not ordinary seeder did anyone have any idea about it?

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LT seeding does, as far as I understand it, require frequent communication with the BitComet LT server in China. It looks like that communication is being blocked between China and Maylasia. BitComet proper does not communicate with that server at all, so you would see no effect on normal bittorrent transfers.

You may want to temporarily downgrade to a previous version of BitComet that used to work for you. If that older version now also has the same problems, then a network block like that is probably the issue.

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Several years ago we had much discussion about bittorrent being throttled in malaysia, so my best guess is they now figured out how LTseed works and are blocking/throttling it too. I suggest all members posting here provide info on their ISP, maybe you can figure out if it's only one ISP that's doing this, then perhaps if enough users switch to another provider, the ISP will learn that they need to provide a working service in order to keep customers.

Good Luck

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I too notice that my speed's have slowed. I am downloading at an average of 3GB in 12hours. Where as before I could get 3GB in an hour.

I understand that this depends on who is seeding but I too have not seen a single file with a long term seed since about January 21st.

Is their a way I can test if long term seeding is working for me.

I am not from Malaysia, but from Canada using Rogers as an ISP

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  On 1/28/2012 at 7:26 PM, kluelos said:

LT seeding does, as far as I understand it, require frequent communication with the BitComet LT server in China. It looks like that communication is being blocked between China and Maylasia. BitComet proper does not communicate with that server at all, so you would see no effect on normal bittorrent transfers.

You may want to temporarily downgrade to a previous version of BitComet that used to work for you. If that older version now also has the same problems, then a network block like that is probably the issue.

btw, which version u suggest to used?

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  On 1/29/2012 at 11:22 PM, AaronT69 said:

I'm having this problem 2....

i'm from the uk and my isp is Virgin media

is there not anything we can all do about this because i'm paying quite a bit for my internet and getting about 10kb/s


Aaron, I doubt your problem is related to this topic, this seems localized to Malaysia. I suggest you make a new topic after reading the guidelines and we'll help you.

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