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Nu pot sa deblochez portul de ascultare

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Nu pot sa deblochez portul de ascultare>


-windows XP SP3

-antivirus: KingSoft Antivirus 9

- modem ( nu mai am cutia , dar stiu ca este de la romtelecom, adsl cu patru porturi de conectare

- pe bit comet sunt logat sunt conectat dar poretul de ascultare este blocat si am viteza cam mica de descarcare la abonamentul meu de 12 Mb


I can't unlock my listening port

The details:

-Windows XP SP3

-Antivirus: KingSoft Antivirus 9

-Modem(I don't have the box anymore but I know it's from Romtelecom, ADSL with 4 LAN ports)

-I am logged in to BitComet but my listen port is blocked and my download speed is pretty small compared to my 12Mb contract.

Edited by Vasy (see edit history)
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Ai citit acest topic? Are cam toate modemurile de la ClickNet. Daca nu e acolo uite pe spatele modemului tau si spune-mi ce scrie sau fa-i o poza si posteaz-o aici.


Have you read this topic? It has most of the modems from ClickNet. If it's not there look on the back of your modem and thell me what it says or take a picture of it and post it here.

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Pentru nikolas73 si altii, printre care si unul ca mine deoarece n-am mai folosit BitComet de foarte mult timp.( Unele sait-uri ,pe vremuri, nu "inghiteau" BitComet).

Nu trebuie sa va complicati cu modem-uri, IP-uri statice si alte bazaconii.

Mergeti la Optiuni(din BitComet)-Conexiune-Alege port aleator.

Dati clik pe buton pana vine unul care incepe cu "6",nu conteaza restul deoarece stergem pana la "6"(mai mult nu va lasa) si scriem restul pana la zeci de mii. Cam asa: 65535 sau ce numare vreti cu conditia sa ajungeti sa aveti 5 numere dintre care primul sa fie "6".

Dupa care in josul paginii apasati : Aplica. Dupa care inchideti si reporniti programul.

Asta este tot.

SFAT: lasati modemul in pace. Nu intru in detalii deoarece nu are rost.

Va pun si un PrintScreen pentru o mai mare edificare.


O sa vedeti:



este IP-ul(nu este static) si 65535 este portul de ascultare.

For nikolas73 and others, myself included because I haven't been using BitComet for a long time now. (Some sites, back in the day, didn't like BitComet)

You don't need complicate things with modems, static IPs and other nonsense.

Go to Options(from BitComet)- Connection - Choose random port.

Click on that button until you can see one starting with 6, the rest doesn't matter because we'll delete everything except 6 (you cant delete that too) and replace it until you reach tens of thousands. Something like this: 65535, or any other 5 digit nuber starting with 6.

Then click Apply on the lower side of the window, and restart the program.

This is all.

Advice: leave the modem alone. I won't go into details because it holds no purpose.

I'm posting a screenshot for beter understanding.

You'll see WAN:#.#.#.#:65535 where #.#.#.# is your IP address and 65535 is your listening port.

Edited by Vasy (see edit history)
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Sa nu cumva sa va postati IP-ul pe forumuri daca-l aveti static.

Eu am IP dinamic si pot sa-l schimb in cateva secunde ,de aceea l-am si postat.

In cazul in care aveti IP static ,dupa modificarile de mai sus, la WAN IP-ul si portul vor ramane neschimbate.

In cazul in care aveti IP dinamic,daca se ia curentul sau opriti modemul, o sa vi se aloce altul automat, atunci la deschiderea BitComet-ului veti intalni "WAN", unde IP-ul este si portul 65635(care nu s-a modificat).

Nici o problema, va aparea in curand IP-ul si bulina se va inverzi.

O zi buna. :P

PS: @Nikolas, nu stiu ce ti-a venit cu "KingSoft Antivirus9" , cand Bitdefender pune la dispozitie o protectie de baza , GRATUIT IN ROMANIA.


Don't ever post your WAN IP on public forums if it's static.

Mine is dynamic and I can change it in seconds, that's why I posted it.

In case you have a static IP, your WAN IP and port will remain unchanged after the modifications made above.

In case you have a dynamic IP address, it will be automatically allocated every time you have a power outage or you turn off your modem. In that case you will see WAN, where the IP is and the listening port is 65535 (that has not changed).

Don't worry, you will soon see your IP and the light will turn green.

Have a nice day.

PS: @Nikolas, I don't know what you where thinking when choosing KingSoft Antivirus9, when BitDefender has a free version available in Romania.

Edited by Vasy (see edit history)
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Mergeti la Optiuni(din BitComet)-Conexiune-Alege port aleator.

Dati clik pe buton pana vine unul care incepe cu "6",nu conteaza restul deoarece stergem pana la "6"(mai mult nu va lasa) si scriem restul pana la zeci de mii. Cam asa: 65535 sau ce numare vreti cu conditia sa ajungeti sa aveti 5 numere dintre care primul sa fie "6".

Nu e mai simplu sa scrie direct numarul dorit? Si e maxim 65535, pentru ca un port e o adresa compusa din 16 biti.

Sunt sigur ca ai postat cu intentii bune dar sfaturile tale se aplica doar la cei care au doar modem, cu doar un port coaxial sau de telefonie, si unul RJ45 spre restul retelei locale. Sau le merge deschiderea porturilor automata prin UPnP (ceea ce se intampla foarte rar), nu un dispozitiv de retea complet cu modem, router (NAT), switch si server DHCP incorporat, plus un firewall, asa cum sunt cele postate de mine in tutorial.

Confunzi notiunea de adresa IP statica publica (WAN) atribuita de distribuitorul tau de internet, contra cost, cu un IP local (LAN) static setat pentru a preveni situatia in care serverul DHCP din router ar da un alt IP calculatorului invalidand regulile de deschidere a porturilor de ascultare pentru acesta.


Go to Options(from BitComet)- Connection - Choose random port.

Click on that button until you can see one starting with 6, the rest doesn't matter because we'll delete everything except 6 (you cant delete that too) and replace it until you reach tens of thousands. Something like this: 65535, or any other 5 digit nuber starting with 6.

Why not just write the port number directly? And 65535 is the maximum because it's a 16bit binary address.

I'm sure you posted with good intentions, but your advice applies to those who have just a cable modem device, with one coaxial or telephone socket and one RJ45 socket for the rest of the local network. Or for those that have the port forwarding done automatically via UPnP(it rarely happens). Not those with a network device with an incorporated modem, router (NAT), switch, DHCP server, wireless card, plus a firewall like those posted by me in the tutorial.

You mistake the notion of a static public (WAN) IP address, paid for, assigned to you by your ISP and a static local (LAN) IP set to prevent the DHCP server from giving the computer a new LAN IP address, forfeiting the port forwarding rules made for it.

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FWIW, since Nikolas says there are four LAN ports on his device, it's clearly a modem-router "combo", not a simple modem (which would only have one port).

If you do not have a router, then you also do not have an external firewall, and therefore you do not have something to forward a port through in the first place.

If you do not have a router then port-forwarding does not apply to you.

Corollary: If you do have a router with an active firewall, then port-forwarding most definitely applies to you.

Oricum, avand in vedere ca Nikolas spune ca are 4 porturi LAN pe dispozitivul lui, e clar ca are o combinatie modem-router, nu un simplu modem (care ar trebui sa aiba un singur port).

Daca nu ai un router, atunci nu ai un firewall extern, si deci in primul rand nu ai prin ce sa deschizi un port.

Daca nu ai un router deschiderea porturilor nu se aplica pentru tine.

Ca o consecinta, daca ai un router cu un firewall activ, atunci deschiderea porturilor se aplica in mod sigur pentru tine.

Edited by Vasy (see edit history)
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