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To block spammers, this forum has suspended new user registration

Delete Account

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You can't, actually. The issue has come up before, and there's no way to delete your own account. You can try requesting that it be deleted, but they're probably going to want some sort of explanation.

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The human resources don't exist to do manual database edits upon request. It's a free service and it runs automated. If they were to offer that level of technical editing it would require dozens if not hundreds of full time employees to handle requests.

However, this does make me wonder the obvious question... why would anyone care if their account was deleted or not? if you don't want to use it, just stop using it, it's not going to hurt anything and it will simply remain dormant, so in that respect, you can delete your account by simply removing your comet ID name from your computer and from your memory, then it's no longer yours.

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