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portul de ascultare

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Salut! rog să mă ajute cineva cu acest port...... că nu mai pot.

sist. xp+sp3

avg 2012

internet prin modem-usb de la ZTE,model MF110 rcs+rds... după ce că are o viteză f.mică mai apare şi acest port care stă galben.

Am văzut multe probleme de acest gen pe forum, chiar am încercat cîteva recomandări de acolo dar degeaba.

Hi! Somebody please help me with this port.. I can't bear with it any longer.

System : windows xp sp3

Antivirus : AVG 2012

My internet connection is through a ZTE MF110 usb stick modem from RDS-RCS.. On top of providing a very slow speed there's this yellow port light too.

I saw a lot of problems like this on the forum, I even tried a few recommendations from there too but it's futile.

Edited by Vasy (see edit history)
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Salut! Scuze de intarziere, am fost foarte ocupat cu seviciul...

Ce ai tu e un stick wireless de la RDS. Toate conexiunile ce vin spre tine sunt blocate de RDS, pentru a nu supraincarca reteaua celulara. Nu ai cum sa deschizi portul.

Nu exista internet prin modem stick cu porturile deschise la ora actuala, pur si simplu le impiedica tehnologia profitul.

Hi! Sorry for the delayed response, I've been very busy at work...

What you have is a wireless stick modem from RDS. All incoming connections are being blocked by them to prevent an overload on the cell network. You can't open your port.

There are no unblocked internet connections via a stick modem to this date, it's simply that the technology is impairing their profits.

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  • 4 months later...

Am aceeasi problema...cu portul. Folosesc un modem Huawei K4510 cu viteza foarte buna,..cu pachet de date de la Vodafone. Windows 7 home premium si un avast 7. Am verificat si firewall-ul...si nimic. Nu descopar ca ar fi in neregula.Am incercat inclusiv toate optimizarile pentru Bitcomet ce le-am gasit pe topic! Si totusi downlodez cu 1kbit!....Sper sa gasesc un sprijin pe acest topic...multumesc.

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The type of internet connection you're using doesn't allow for incoming connection attempts so you'll always be firewalled. Vasy has told you this. If you want to use p2p downloading efficiently, you'll need to get a complete internet connection that doesn't have you blocked from remote peer connections.

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  • 3 months later...

Va salut!Sunt nou pe acest forum si am si eu aceeasi problema cu portul de ascultare.....este in galben.Am facut setarile recomandate in firewall si bitcomet ...dar degeaba

Eu am internet prin sweech de la cineva..... nu folosesc modem.Ce pot sa fac......sa devin verde..... :)

Va rog ajutati/ma si pe mine


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