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Hola, desde hace dias BitComet no esta descargando al nivel que lo habia venido haciendo, tengo un score de 65548 y el titulo de Major General con un ranking de 73620.

Ya desactive firewalls, desinstale antivirus, y todo sigue igual. Anexo pantalla de impresion para que vean que no llega ni a 50 kb/s en torrents con mas de 5000 "seeders".

Si alguien sabe que es lo que pasa, favor de comentarlo.


Hello. Since a few days ago, BitComet isn't downloading at the speed at which it had been doing so. I have a score os 65548, am a Major General with a ranking of 73620.

I've already deactivated firewalls, uninstalled antivirus and everthing remains the same. I'm including a screenshot, so that you can see that it doesn't even reach 50KB/s with torrents withmore than 5,000 seeds.

If someone knows what is happening, please say so.



Edited by cassie (see edit history)
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Hola, lacoralillo.

Primero, he de decirte que sin la información más básica que precisamos sobre tu sistema y configuración, no hay mucho que te podamos decir. Por eso se puso (en la parte superior del foro) Por favor LEER ESTO antes de preguntar. Una vez hayas hecho lo mínimo que pedimos, tendremos por dónde empezar.

Segundo, No nos cuentas cuál era la velocidad a la que acostumbrabas descargar (¿Sólo un torrent a la vez? ¿Dos? ¿Más?), ni la capacidad REAL (haciendo pruebas de velocidad) de tu conexión.

Mencionas 5000 seeds, sin embargo, en la captura de pantalla, no se ven esos datos, así que nos dejas dudando si BitComet es quien dice que hay esa cantidad a la hora en la que tú te has unido al enjambre o si es una cifra procedente de alguna página web sin actualizar (lo más común).

Dices que has deshabilitado bien tu(s) cortafuegos, como tu antivirus... muy mala idea, me temo. Cada uno cumple una función importantísima para proteger tu sistema y les has impedido hacer su trabajo. Aunque espero que no, lo más probable es que te hayas dejado expuesto a todo tipo de "bichejo" y se hayan apoderado de tu PC. Vuelve a habilitarlos/instalarlos y haz un escanéo profundo para quitártelos de inmediato. Nunca, nunca te conectes a Internet sin tener (como mínimo) un cortafuegos activo... y créeme, que un buen antivirus no es nada malo de tener (todo lo contrario).

Un saludo.

Hello, lacoralillo.

First, I have to tell you that without the most basic information abot your system and configuration, there isn't much that we can tell you. That's why we pinned Please READ THIS before posting (top of the forum). Once you've done the minimum that we require, we'll have a starting point.

Second, you don't tell us what the download speed that you were used to was (Only one torrent at a time? Two? More?), nor your connection's REAL capacity (doing speed tests).

You mention 5,000 seeds but, in your screenshot, we don't see these figures, so you leave us wondering if BitComet is the one telling you of this amount at the time at which you joined the swarm, or if the number comes from some webpage that hasn't been updated (most common).

You say that you have disabled both your firewall(s), as well as your antivirus... a very bad idea, I'm afraid. Each one plays a ver important function in order to protect your system and you have prevented them from doing their job. Even though I hope not, what is most likely is that you have left yourself exposed to all sorts of "nasties" and they have taken over your computer. Go back and enable/install them again, and run an in-depth scan to get rid of them inmediately. Never, ever connect to the Internet without having (at least) one active firewall... and, believe me, a good antivirus is nothing bad to have (quite the opposite).


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