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AFK transfer throttle

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Not sure how handy this would be for everyone, but i personally jump back and forth from being afk (thus wishing for maximum use of connection) and being at the computer (throttle back to say 70-80% of connection). Instead of changing around my settings, it would be convenient to be able to have it already preset for two configurations and be able to toggle between the two by use of a clickable button on the interface between setting A (at keyboard) and setting B (AFK). Just food for thought and great job on a user friendly torrent client.

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At this point you could use the scheduler to limit your download speed.

It's not exactly "one click away" because you will have to go into the Options to enable/disable it but it would still be faster than constantly changing the speed settings.

Just make sure you set for the whole week (all day round) the desired speed limits and then all you'll have to do is enable/disable it.

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