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VIP Free Trial questions and discussion

The UnUsual Suspect

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  On 6/18/2014 at 10:44 AM, koutheir said:

Hello , i started using bitcomet 1 year ago and i like it because of it's crazy speed.

by the way , i want to ask about how to use the free vip trial and how to get vip downloads generally.

As stated in this topic and others, vip free trial is limited to members with 40,000 or more points. There has been much discussion about this so I won't address the reasons again other than to say it was necessary. The vast number of people wanting the free trial was making it impossible to maintain the system.

I'll also state that in many cases you can get excellent performance by properly adjusting your settings and VIP is not always the answer, it cannot perform Miracles, but if you're unable to get good peer connections due to limited upload, then it may be ideal for you, but if you already have a fast connection, you may not experience any worthwhile benefits. We've had a recent strong following of repeat users, but we've also had our share of angry users who either didn't understand how it works and what to expect, or were using it when server load was high and couldn't get it to work. .

We (forum staff) don't have access to VIP accounts or servers so we are limited in how much help we can provide, but if you're unhappy with it you can always request a refund, so you don't really have much to lose by trying.

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  On 6/20/2014 at 1:49 PM, south1km said:

i don't know how to post. please tell me.

Don't worry, you're doing fine. :)

I already merged (joined) your two posts. If you have to add more information to your original post, press the "Edit" button at the bottom and add further information... then press "Save Changes".

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