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Can I get my bandwith back if my tasks finished while my requests were still queuing?


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So I was trying out VIP acceleration yesterday, after i just purchased the 100GB plan and i tried it out on a few tasks. However, it kept saying that my request was still queuing. i decided to leave it at that overnight and not disable it, because i heard from some forum threads that they eventually do start to accelerate your downloads. This morning though, my tasks were completed but it still said that my request was queuing so i assume that the acceleration did not take place. i am not looking for a refund, because i still do want to keep trying the VIP acceleration out, but i was wondering if i could get my bandwith back, considering how they were not actually utilised.


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I think Queeniequ might be able to help you but if she does an adjustment like this it would have to be done manually, there is no automatic way to do it so I suggest messaging her after you've tried it for a few days in case you see this happening again.

Also keep in mind that this is still in development and I know there are plans for making a better way to determine actual usage, but that isn't a high priority at the moment, but hopefully when a stable product is released it will be able to log the actual amount of accel data. Also one other thing that's not clear is besides the access to the vip servers I believe you're given vip status in the LTseed network, so you'll be getting some of your acceleration there too, if it's enabled in your settings.

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Is it okay if I contact her now? Because, at the moment, the tasks with which I have "used" my bandwith on have already taken up a huge portion of my 100GB. Therefore, I can't really try out my VIP Acceleration on anymore tasks, which is why I'm wondering if I'll be given my bandwith back.

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